People in England and Wales are living longer than ever before, it has been revealed - but the news isn’t all good.
New charts from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) show just how life expectancy has improved in a huge majority of areas around the country for men…

And for women…

The fasted rising life expectancy at birth was in London, with a rise of seven years over the last two decades.
Closely behind were the North East (six years) and the North West (5.8 years).
For those who want the best life expectancy at birth, the place to choose for baby girls is Chiltern and for boys is Kensington and Chelsea.
Living in Blackpool for boys and Middlesbrough for girls offers the shortest life expectancy.
But despite rising life expectancy, the ONS found that the inequality between the local areas with the highest and lowest newborn life expectancy has increased. This is despite improvements across local areas over the last two decades.
In the most recent period of 2012-14, this inequality was greater for boys than girls.
The news comes after it was revealed last month that women in the UK have the second worst life expectancy among 15 European countries, alongside high death rates from cancer and diabetes.
The World Health Organisation's (WHO) European Health Report 2015 found life expectancy for UK women born in 2011 stood at 82.7 years, with only women in Denmark expecting a shorter life.
Men in the UK can expect to live as long as their European peers.