Children Are 'Not Welcome' At This London Tea Shop, Owner Says: 'I Don't Want My Fixtures And Fittings Broken'

Children Are 'Not Welcome' At This London Tea Shop

A cafe owner from London has divided opinion after reportedly saying children are "not welcome" at her establishment.

Eileen Potter, who owns Treacles Tea Shop in Winchmore Hill, told the Evening Standard: "I just don’t want my fixtures and fittings broken. It’s not aimed at families; we are not a family establishment."

Writing on the cafe's Facebook page, Billy Westley said: "We have two kids, seven and three years old. Shall we just leave them all in the car? Would that be your advice?

Ryan Hif Day: "The owner has clearly alienated all children with her pathetic and snobbish attitude! She has tarred all children with the same brush, Not all kids are rude, mannerless brat.

"Did she never touch something she wasn't meant to as a child? Did she never backchat her parents? Did she not run around when she went out somewhere? None are perfect and she would do well to remember that."

But not everyone disagrees with Potter's no child policy.

Also writing on Facebook, Annette Ostermeier commented: "I'll drop in next time I'm in London! A place where a grown up person is allowed to have a nice cup of tea in peace! Sounds like heaven!

And Bree Armstrong added: "More businesses should adopt this attitude. Parents Let their children run riot. It's not cute to have to listen to a screaming child when trying to enjoy a meal or cup of tea."

Potter was interviewed by the Evening Standard after Treacles Tea Shop reportedly received an influx of angry comments from parents on its Facebook page.

According to the paper, local woman Linden Cooke said she had a pleasant experience when she visited the shop while pregnant, but when she returned after giving birth she was told to "take her crying baby outside".

Another customer, Lidia Kettenis, claimed Potter told her children are "not welcome".

The comments referenced no longer appear on the tea shop's Facebook page. The Huffington Post UK has contacted Treacles Tea Shop for comment, but has yet to hear back at the time of publication.

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