Russia To Send Puppy To France As A Gesture Of Solidarity After Paris Terror Attacks

Russia Is Sending This Puppy To France To Replace The Police Dog Killed By Terrorists

Russia is to send a puppy to France as a gesture of solidarity after the death of a French police dog in a raid in relation to the Paris terror attacks last week.

A Facebook post announced the news to help "people and the police in the fight against terrorism".

Этого щенка служебной собаки зовут Добрыня. Его назвали так в честь русского былинного богатыря Добрыни, который являетс...

Posted by МВД России on Friday, November 20, 2015

The post reads...

"This puppy dog name is dobrynya performance. He was named so in honour of the Russian bylinnogo dobryni heroes, who is the embodiment of the forces of good, military prowess and selfless assistance. Puppy will be handed over to France in solidarity with French people and the police in the fight against terrorism.

#мвд #россия #полиция #mvd #police #Russia #mypolice #mywork #russianpolice #мвд #JeSuisDiesel #JeSuisDobrynia #JeSuisChien

"This little dog is the service dog named dobrynia. He was named has the honour of the legendary hero Russian dobrynya, who is the personification of the force, of goodness, of bravery and altruism. This dog will be handed over to France in testimony of solidarity with the people of France and the French police in the context of the fight against terrorism."

The seven-year-old female, named Diesel, was killed by an explosion when security forces entered an apartment in the hunt for the mastermind of the atrocity, Abdelhamid Abaaoud.

Her death prompted an outpouring of grief and the hashtag #JeSuisChien to trend on Facebook.

Two people were killed during the siege, including a female. Seven people were arrested and five police officers injured during the seven hour operation.

The Paris tragedy saw three suicide bombers launch attacks across the city, so far killing at least 130 people.


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