Wednesday saw Chancellor George Osborne's Autumn statement and his government spending review of the last five years.
Things started as you'd expect...
Then George let off a howler on tax credit cuts:
George Osborne's tax credit plans
— The Sun Apologies (@SunApology) November 25, 2015
But no one could agree who actually brought the u-turn on, so the Lib Dems, Labour, the Lords and many others started to argue for attribution...
Some dispute about who won the tax credits fight
— General Boles (@GeneralBoles) November 25, 2015
The Speaker ordered a rowdy member to take up yoga...
Osborne let out quite a strange soundbite at one point:
“We are the builders, so we’ll lie about how much everything will cost you.” - George Osborne.
— paul bassett davies (@thewritertype) November 25, 2015
And nothing could stop the public abusing the Chancellor:
But overall, things could be summed up quite easily: