9/11 Siri Prank On Twitter Is Fooling Conspiracy Theorists Into Calling The Police

Twitter Is Fooling 9/11 Conspiracy Theorists Into Calling The Police In Bizarre Prank

You know things are getting out of hand when police have to issue an actual warning telling people not to follow a Twitter trend that's leading people to prank call the emergency services...

Conspiracy theorists have fallen into the trap of asking the ever-helpful robot about 9/11, only to have their phone automatically call the emergency services.

Police in Saskatchewan, Canada, said: "The messages on Twitter, Facebook and other social media prompt people with a teaser like, 'Say 9/11 into Siri and you'll be amazed', or 'When you say 9/11 to Siri, her response is hilarious'".

The majority of callers hang up when the services answer, but the operators are obliged to call back to see if there's a real emergency.

Here's a selection of Tweets that show just how gullible the internet can be...