This Gym-Cum-Human-Arcade-Game Will Make You Genuinely Want To Work Out

It's an interactive fitness playground.

Exercise is great for health, but it can still be a bit of a chore - which is where New York-based fitness studio Asphalt Green comes in.

The gym is basically one big play area for people who want to get fit.

Their new circuit-based program, AG6, lets fitness fanatics engage in high intensity exercise but with an arcade game element to it.

The gym has a PRAMA system which means the walls and floors light up or make sounds when they are touched.

It's super interactive and, to be honest, it looks like actual fun too.

The session promises to strengthen all major muscle groups in the body and burn up to 1,000 calories in 45 minutes.

According to the gym, AG6 trains all major muscle groups through movement with purpose, building endurance, strength, balance, speed, agility, reaction time, and overall fitness. 

Sounds great, now can somebody please bring this to the UK?

[H/T She Knows]

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