This Baby Perfectly Embodies Our Excitement For Christmas Dinner

We are *obsessed* with this video.
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Milly loves her chocolate pudding.

A hilarious video of a baby getting ridiculously excited about being fed is basically all of us ahead of our Christmas dinner.

In the clip, baby Milly pulls a face that can only be described as equal parts shocked, terrified and excited as she anticipates spoonfuls of chocolate pudding.

Milly was just nine months old when her mum, Sandra Karlsson Elfsten, decided to film her response to the delicious treat.

“She truly loved it,” the mum-of-three, who lives in Molkom, Sweden, tells HuffPost UK.

“She does that face when she gets excited over things.

“She actually does it even now [she’s five] – not exactly like in the video, but she gets excited with all her body.”

Karlsson Elfsten originally shared the video of baby Milly on Instagram in 2018, however it was recently resurfaced by another account – and we felt it was too good not to share.

Thank you Milly (and Sandra) for bringing us even more joy today.