British Science Week 2015: Best Science Experiments For Kids

It's British Science Week, So Get Experimenting!

British Science Week is here, and for 10 days the scientific community is going big on education and awareness on science, technology, engineering and maths.

(Just ignore the fact that the themed 'Week' lasts 10 days. They clearly didn't read that page in the maths textbook.)

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With partners like Google, The Royal Society of Chemistry and more there are events taking place around the country discussing the big questions that have left to be answered about medicine, global warming, the future of driverless cars.

It's also about fun, and finding the fun in science and maths that so many of us seem to think doesn't exist. It does, all you have to do is find it.

To help you and your children get started we've found some of the simplest -- and yet coolest -- experiments that you can do together at home.

Easy to set up but endlessly entertaining they'll look cool and ask just the right sorts of questons. Enjoy: