Catwalk Review: Bora Aksu S/S 2011

Catwalk Review: Bora Aksu S/S 2011

Photo: Matt Crossick/EMPICS Entertainment


INSPIRATION: The anatomy of an ant, spliced with his mum's old photos from the 60s (we were confused too...)

TOP LOOKS: It was a blast of ruffles and frills from start to finish, but the short and sweet frocks at the end of the show were the standouts. Aksu's use of silver and pewter swirling fabris, trompe-l'œil lines and padding panels ensured that an ant's nipped in body has never looked so glam.

ACCESSORIES: Marbled black on white opaque tights and ant headpieces completed the look.

WHAT WE THOUGHT: Despite the slightly disconcerting starting point for this collection, Aksu did what he does best: romance with a touch a darkness. He may have slightly veered off course with super-shiny grey silk pantaloons and sequinned tie, but if you're looking for a party frock that possesses a definite wow factor - and is a guaranteed talking point - Aksu is your man.