Clever Six-Year-Old Tricks Mum Into Revealing All Her Birthday Presents

'I thought she was playing games on my phone, I didn’t think anything of it.'

A six-year-old managed to outsmart her mum with a fiendish plan to trick her into revealing what birthday presents she would be getting.

Emily Cairns was staying with her grandmother Maureen Grundy, 67, while her mum and dad were enjoying an evening out.

"What did you get Emily for her birthday?" she texted her mum from her grandma's phone.


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Emily's plan worked, as her mum, Amy Cairns, 36, replied with a list of everything she had bought, including 'Monster High' dolls and the LEGO Friends limousine.

Emily then gave away her cover by replying: "Wow".

 "I thought, 'Mum wouldn’t say that', and I was suspicious," Cairns said.

"At first I did think it was my mum and she was asking what I’d got for Emily’s birthday so we didn’t get the same thing.

"I listed every single thing I’d bought her.

"If it hadn’t been for the ‘wow’ I would’ve been none the wiser."

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Emily’s grandmother was just as shocked by the sneaky text.

"I thought she was playing games on my phone, I didn’t think anything of it," she said.

"A while later I got a text from Amy asking me, 'Did you text me before?’ and I said no.

"So she called me to see who’d sent her the text and we realised it was Emily."

Emily's parents, who describe their daughter as being "very clever" and "mischievous", are now keeping a closer eye on their soon-to-be seven-year-old.

"She’s got me worried now," Cairns added.

"I’ll definitely have to think next time. I just thought it was more disappointing for her really, because she’d ruined her own surprise, that’s why I was bit cross.

"But we all find it really funny now. It’s quite clever for a six-year-old, really."

Before You Go

Boredom Banishing Ideas For Creative Kids
Paper chains(01 of05)
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Making paper chains is a great activity to do with young children. All you need is some brightly coloured A4 paper, a pair of scissors and some glue. Start by cutting the paper into strips (a width of about 2cm is perfect) and then create a loop with the paper, sticking it with glue on one side. Once it’s dry, feed the next strip through the loop and glue the end of that one too. Keep going until you have you desired length of chain. You could even think about drawing your own designs on the paper before you cut them up. (credit:D. Sharon Pruitt Pink Sherbet Photography via Getty Images)
Potato print making(02 of05)
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Potato print making or relief printing, to give it its proper name is a brilliantly cheap and effective way of creating artwork. Grab a selection of potatoes (big or small and any type) and cut them in half. Then draw on your design to the flat surface of the potato and carefully cut round the shape. A good tip is to blot the potato with some kitchen roll, so it’s not too wet. Next, choose your colours (poster paints work well). Paint on a very thin layer and print onto the paper to make your own homemade birthday cards or wrapping paper. (credit:Michaela Gunter via Getty Images)
Decorated biscuits(03 of05)
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Everyone loves a homemade biscuit, especially when it has your own design iced onto it. First up, there’s the baking (a light butter biscuit is ideal). They can be any shape you like round, heart or even star-shaped. Then it’s time for the icing, make up a thick, glossy paste with icing sugar and water and split the mixture evenly into different bowls, mixing a different gel food colour into each one. Scoop the icing into separate piping bags and you’re ready to go. Don’t forget to wear an apron. (credit:Donald Iain Smith via Getty Images)
Homemade glitter globes(04 of05)
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Glitter globes are a lovely idea to try out with children. There’s a few things you’ll need before you begin, a couple of empty glass jars with lids (make sure you wash them out first), a tube of glitter, some strong glue, a jug of water and a figurine of your choice. Open up the jar and glue your figurine to the lid (make sure its stuck fast), then fill up the jar with water and shake in your glitter (you can add a few teaspoons of glycerine if you want the glitter to shake better, but that is optional), then just screw on the lid. To make a really personal gift you could laminate a photo of yourself or a loved one and pop that in the jar instead of a figurine. (credit:Flickr CC-BY Amy Gizienski)
Bunting(05 of05)
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A variation on the paper chain idea is making bunting. Start by getting colourful or patterned paper and folding it in half, this way the design will be on both sides. Then cut out a cardboard triangle template so all of your bunting will be the same size. Carefully cut out all the triangles you need from the paper (they will look like a diamond shape if you open them out fully). Then lay out a length of string. Open up the triangle and hang it over the string and dot a little bit of glue at the point of the triangle, so it stays together. It’s a simple but effective decoration. (credit:journeyswithasimplegirl ~ Angela Hendrix Petry via Getty Images)