Comedian Torben Chris Posts Nude Photo In Bath With Two-Year-Old Daughter To Prove It's 'Not Paedophilia'

Comedian Posts Nude Bath Photo With Daughter To Prove It's 'Not Paedophilia'

A Danish comedian has defended the act of bathing nude with children by posting a photo of him and his two-year-old in the bath on Facebook.

Torben Chris shared the photo in reaction to hearing dads were being labelled "paedophiles" for doing this with their children.

He wrote on Facebook: "Listen, children and adults can be naked together. If we couldn't stand to see each other naked we'd be born with clothes on.

"A father in the shower with his daughter is not paedophilia."

Chris had recently addressed the Danish's "prude attitudes" of nudity in his one-man show jydelogik.

After the show, many parents got in contact to share their own worries about being nude in front of their children, claiming they had been badly criticised for doing it.

The comedian continued: "There is nothing wrong with a father who washes his daughter’s bottom and vagina when she’s a child. On the contrary, it is bloody disgusting if nobody does it, and unfair if only the mother does it.

"Someone told me that he had been accused of paedophilia by a stranger because he bathed with his two-year-old daughter.

"Another had been warned on his 'urge' towards paedophilia, because he had shared a picture of a French braid on his 11-year-old daughter’s bare back on social media.

"There was even a father whose wife thinks it's inappropriate if a daughter sees her father urinate."

"Nudity with your child’s not gross, but natural. A father in the shower with his daughter’s not paedophilia, it’s fun."

The post has had more than 6,000 shares since being uploaded on 14 December.

One woman, Charlotte Bogø, firmly agreed with what the comedian was saying.

She commented: "Amen! I would almost go so far as to say, as a parent, you must bathe with her child.

"Children need to see naked bodies, to see how different bodies can be.

"Otherwise we will end up with a total disturbed generation who think everyone looks like a model without clothes on."

However another woman completely disagreed, writing: "I think as a starting point, this picture belongs to privacy. In this case and with this statement, I think it is very revealing and totally appropriate."

In reaction to the feedback he received, Chris wrote: "To everyone who is liking this, I would like to say 1,000 thank yous.

"Thank you also for all the supportive messages. To all you with angry messages, I must say, you're outnumbered.

"Take power back, raise your child as you want."

What are your thoughts? Comments below, please.

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