Gemma Atkinson 'Loudly And Proudly' Rocks Post-Baby 'Curves' In Latest Instagram Snaps

The 34-year-old Strictly star gave birth to her daughter Mia on 4 July.

New mum Gemma Atkinson has shared photos of herself “loudly and proudly” rocking her post-baby body, after being given the go-ahead by the doctor to start exercising again. 

The 34-year-old presenter and former Strictly star, who gave birth to Mia on 4 July at the Royal Bolton Hospital in Greater Manchester, shared the snaps of herself six weeks and four days after her C-section.

“After a section there’s no physical activity or lifting for at least six weeks,” she wrote. “Exercise has been a big part of my life for the last 10 years, so mentally at first I found it tough not being able to move like I wanted.

“Today I’ve been given the go ahead to start gentle exercise. I can do 30 min walks with the pram, glute bridges and my pelvic floor exercises.”

[Read More: Gemma Atkinson Defends Taking 10 Minutes Away From Baby Mia For Coffee]

Atkinson has been following strict advice – 10 weeks postpartum she can start Pilates again, and after 16 weeks she can begin to weight train.

“I want to do it sensibly,” she wrote. “I hope new mums realise they don’t have to be back to their post-baby body so quickly. Growing a human for nine months is a big deal and it’ll take longer than a few weeks to get your body back to how you want it.

“I’m happy I can now start to introduce light training back into my day, but the bigger picture is that even if I couldn’t and I had to wait even longer, it’s ok because I have the most beautiful little healthy girl and the last six weeks at home have been exhaustingly wonderful.”

“I hope new mums realise they don’t have to be back to their post-baby body so quickly.”

The new mum added that it’s “actually quite nice to rock some curves” and said her partner Gorka, who she met on Strictly Come Dancing, loves them.

While pregnant, Atkinson shared how “proud” she was of her body and how it had changed. “Woman are incredibly strong, the last nine months I’ve learnt that even more so,” she wrote.

“We got this. So to the ladies currently struggling with the changes soldier on. It’ll all be worth it when little man or little lady arrives knowing their mum is a total warrior woman.”