Young Girl Wearing Glasses Refused Entry To Carnival's Bouncy Castle Because Of 'Health And Safety' Rules

Five-Year-Old Girl Refused Entry To Bouncy Castle Because Of Her Glasses

A five-year-old girl was banned from playing on a bouncy castle at a carnival because she wore glasses.

Gracie Rooney was left in tears after being told she wasn't allowed to enter the inflatable play area at the Irn-Bru Carnival in Glasgow because of "health and safety rules".

Mum Christine Rooney from Bishopbriggs, Glasgow, slammed the ruling, claiming her daughter would be more at risk if she took her glasses off.

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Gracie pictured with her dad Martin Rooney

Rooney, who paid £50 for a family ticket to the carnival, said according to The Mirror: "When we got to the front of the queue, Gracie was told she couldn't go in if she didn't take off her glasses.

"The guy said it had something to do with insurance. We couldn't believe it.

"She can't see without them and we were forced to turn back."

She added: "Having to wear glasses can mean kids are stigmatised by their peers - they shouldn't have to put up with authorities singling them out too."

After the incident, Rooney approached the organisers of the festival - QD Events - and explained there was no mention of not wearing glasses in the rules posted online.

However a spokesperson from the event company confirmed the glasses ban.

Fran McIntyre, managing director of QD Events, said, according to the Telegraph: "We apologise for disappointing the Rooney family.

"In line with health and safety regulations, our policy is that children are not allowed on any inflatable rides while wearing glasses.

"We will be offering the family a full refund."

An organisation which represents opticians in the United Kingdom said there was "no evidence" to suggest wearing glasses significantly increases the chances of injuries.

Barry Duncan from the Association of British Dispensing Opticians, said, according to the Mirror: "It causes me great concern that companies have come to conclusions without consultation."

PIPA, an inflatable play inspection scheme, states on their website "glasses are best removed" when on a bouncy castle.

Costumes For Kids With Glasses
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