How To Cover Dark Circles Under Eyes With Makeup: Use A Red Lipstick As Concealer

How To Conceal Dark Circles... With Red Lipstick

Eye creams, concealers, powders and foundations - makeup artists have a lot in their arsenal to cover up those dark under eye circles, but we never imaged red lipstick could be the real secret weapon.

Beauty vlogger and makeup expert Deepica Mutyala's YouTube video showed her (rather strange sounding) trick.

The results are so impressive that the video has gone viral and has been viewed almost 7.5 million times since it was posted five months ago.

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Before, during, after

The technique is based on the old makeup artist trick of "colour correcting" using the colour wheel to cancel out darkness under the eyes - red is the opposite hue to the blue on the circle, so it cancels out under eye circles.

To try it out at home, simply apply red lipstick, let it set for about a minute and blend concealer over the red area with a sponge.

Paler skin tones should opt for a more peachy shade of lipstick rather than a bright red.


To try it out for yourself, watch Mutyala's tutorial in the video above.

How To Stop Looking Tired Every Single Day
Fluid(01 of04)
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Your body is really cool and a little weird, if you think about it. One of the things it does during the day is collect fluid, sometimes without it really going anywhere. So when we’re sleeping, especially with the position of being horizontal — either on our backs or sides — in bed, water gets distributed throughout the body. That process is interrupted if we’re not having a truly consistent, restful sleep. This results in that fluid collected in places like under the eyes, causing excess face baggage that no one asked for.When water isn’t circulated evenly, it causes us to look worse for wear than we normally would. Trying to really give into sleep and remove excess factors (like stress, see below) will help with that process and soon you’ll look as good as you feel. (credit:Getty)
Stress(02 of04)
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This one is pretty simple: when you’re tossing and turning during the night, even if for a little bit, your sleep and physical appearance is affected by that. Even if you’re thinking about something before you go to sleep, it will inform the sleep you have. Our brains have a nasty habit of kicking into overdrive and not turning off when we need them to most. Want to look less worn-down? Try to slip into a zen mindset before sleep and you’ll feel much better, inside and out. (credit:Getty)
Too Much Sleep(03 of04)
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This seems like a fake out, but it’s true: if you sleep too much, it’ll show. How can too much of a good thing make look so worn-out? You can blame those tired eyes on catching a couple extra zzz’s. (credit:Getty)
Food(04 of04)
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What you eat matters in literally all the ways. We know that using our bodies as garbage cans will have detrimental effects in the long-term but did you know that it also appears on your face? The usual suspects that will make you look less shiny and awesome are: alcohol, fried foods, candy, red meat, and essentially everything you love but should have in moderation. Spicy foods, too, will affect the way you look. If you still feel pretty great in spite of eating all of these things then call yourself lucky. Consider the puffiness of your face a warning sign from your body to cool it for a bit on the extremely delicious and dangerous craft beer, fried chicken, and onion rings you may love and adore: it may cause more serious harm in the long run. (credit:Getty)