Prestige Of Winning Hurtwood Prize Helped Josh Renaut To Make Mark In Film

Winning Film Prize Opened Doors For Young Student Filmmaker

As entries start rolling in for this year's Hurtwood Prize for Young Filmmakers, HuffPost caught up with one of the winning contestants from 2012, Josh Renaut, to see how the past 12 months had shaped up since his success.

Currently in his second year of film studies at Westminster University, we asked Josh about his experience of the competition and what winning meant for him in the long run…

Ultimately I want to direct music videos – I’d had an inkling for a while but my experience kind of solidified this. That’s my ambition once I finish uni.

I think the prospect being able to say you’ve shot on official video for an artist is awesome – something I’m really interested in myself actually. Nowadays with promos and YouTube – people usually know the videos almost as much as they know the song, to be able to say the work you’ve done is the official product is really exciting. It’s an opportunity to get people to see your work and the right people too – the record labels, the press, it’s amazing.

If I were to offer any recommendations to those taking part – it would be start now! I left mine till a few days before submission last year; we literally shot, edited over night and just about snuck it in! Make sure you know what you want to shoot, flesh out your ideas and listen to the song a lot! I think that’s the most important thing – get a really good feel for the track and make a video that fits with the music, stay true to your vision but complement the track at hand.