Japanese Firm Develops Virtual Keyboard That Can Be Projected On To Your Arm

This Iron Man-Esque Gadget Turns Your Arm Into A Virtual Keyboard

A Japanese firm has created a software that allows people to turn their arms into a virtual keyboard.

Yes that's right, this Iron Man-esque device was created by the NEC Corporation.

According to the organisation, the 'ARmKeypad,' requires an eyeglass computer and a smartwatch for the software to work.

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A camera within the eyeglass displays the keyboard on the forearm while motion sensors in the smartwatch picks up vibrations from keystrokes.

The camera then registers which keys are being tapped.

Shin Norieda, a researcher at NEC Corporation told Vice: “I wanted to make a keyboard of the body so I created this device for people who work in maintenance or factory jobs.”

“They can just go hands-free," he added.

Norieda's system eliminates the need to use voice-recognition and can therefore, be used in noisy environments.

The firm envisage the device also helping medical professionals easily update patient notes, while they work.

Norieda reportedly developed a more simplistic version of this keyboard in 2011, which allowed to users to stop and start music they were listening to.

However, this keyboard goes one step beyond because it allows people to input data by typing.

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NEC Corporation are set to release the software in 2016 in the hopes of capitalising the demand for augmented reality.

According to Nikkei Asian Review, the market for augmented reality is set to be worth "290 billion yen (£1.56 billion) by 2020."