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Listen To These Podcasts And Live Your Best Energy-Saving Life

From eco building to living with less.
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Podcasts: so much more than radio with a better marketing strategy.

With no rules as to how niche a show can be, no limit to the length and a listen-whenever element that makes doing the washing up infinitely more bearable, the audio episodes have unleashed a whole world of expertise and knowledge. 

If you’re looking to live a more environmentally-aware life, be smarter about how you use your energy, look into cleaner and renewable sources and generally reduce your carbon footprint, you need to listen to these. 

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Daviles via Getty Images

Costing The Earth 

This one’s from BBC Radio 4, so you know you’re in for some soothing tones. These 30 minute-long episodes explore various environmental issues – from dives into Columbia’s biodiversity to what the dams we create to produce renewable energy mean for ecosystems. 

The Minimalists 

Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus’ mission of helping their (now 20 million-wide) audience to live meaningful lives with less started out with a full-on rejection of the American Dream.

They cleared out the reams of clutter they’d accumulated, left their six-figure, corporate jobs and set out on a life of using less, reducing their impact on the planet and having more purpose to their days. 

If you want to cut down on how much energy it takes to fuel your lifestyle, this is a great one for the pre-bedtime wind-down. The guys cover off (politely) explaining why you’d rather not receive material birthday presents, getting by with less money than you’re used to and teeing your values up with your career. 

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How 2 Build Green 

Another one from the US. This is a fascinating investigation into creating, running and sustaining an eco-friendly home. Earthern floors, creating a greenhouse and how much carbon we can save, by living in ‘Tiny Houses’.

Impact Revolution

Forgoing single use plastic, inside the circular economy and using creativity to enable you to live a more energy efficient life: host Clara Bütow’s podcast zips through the biggest changes we can make. 

A German native, she’s been recording in English since February this year and has already covered off a load of insightful episodes so get on this one, quick sharp. 

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pkanchana via Getty Images

Trash Talking Eco Warriors 

Ever wanted to ditch your day job and move into the world of conservation? This podcast is a series of interviews with women working in the space, from marine biologist Roos Swart to Louisa Ziane of Toast Ale, which turns leftover bread into beer. 

Kiss That World 

Meg Percy’s done a handful of jobs in the sustainability space (tropical field biologist, organic farmer, elephant keeper). She’s interested in what motivates people who give their days to working in the field, and interviews them over episodes that hit the 50-minute mark. 

Hearing from this lot – and their energy-saving, no food wasting, mindful travelling ideas – will seriously inspire you. 

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Martin Dimitrov via Getty Images