Body Odour Genes Determine Your Chance Of Getting A Mosquito Bite, Study Suggests

This Is Why Some People Get More Mosquito Bites Than Others

If you're a mosquito magnet, it could be your genes that are to blame.

Scientists have found evidence that people's genes determine how attractive their body smell is to the biting insects.

The findings build on previous work linking body odour to the chances of being attacked by mosquitoes.

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Some individuals who avoid being bitten were shown to produce a natural insect repellent that kept them safe.

The new study found that identical twin pairs were more similar in their attractiveness to mosquitoes than non-identical twins.

Since identical twins share all the same genes and non-identical twins do not, this was evidence that the mosquito effect was genetically driven.

The trait had about the same level of heritability as height and IQ, the research showed.

Lead scientist Dr James Logan, from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, said: "By investigating the genetic mechanism behind attractiveness to biting insects such as mosquitoes we can move closer to using this knowledge for better ways of keeping us safe from bites and the diseases insects can spread through bites.

"If we understand the genetic basis for variation between individuals it could be possible to develop bespoke ways to control mosquitoes better, and develop new ways to repel them.

"In the future we may even be able to take a pill which will enhance the production of natural repellents by the body and ultimately replace skin lotions."

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Twins Lisa (left) and Alana Macfarlane holding their hands up to a y-shaped tube so mosquitoes fly towards the body odour they find most attractive

The study involved 18 identical and 19 non-identical twin pairs.

In the experiment, Aedies aegypti mosquitoes - which transmit dengue fever - were released into a Y-shaped tube that allowed them to choose between the hands of different study participants.

Female mosquitoes are known to display an odd preference for certain people when looking for a blood meal.

Pregnant women are more attractive to the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae than those who are not pregnant. And fatter people also seem to be more attractive to mosquitoes and midges than slim individuals.

Diet has previously been suggested as a possible explanation, supporting old wives' tales about eating garlic or drinking beer to keep mosquitoes away.

But the diet theory is not backed by any clear scientific evidence.

Easy Ways To Prevent And Treat Those Pesky Mosquito Bites
Prevention: Stay inside(01 of11)
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Not for the WHOLE summer but at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active. They also tend to prefer wooded areas and standing water so will be most present near lakes and ponds (so really, all the fun things we love about summer). (credit:Getty Creative)
Prevention: Wear light-coloured clothing(02 of11)
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Mosquitoes are attracted to heat and carbon dioxide, and you'll get hotter faster in dark clothing so anything of the pastel variety will keep you cooler, and less appealing to them -- a win, win. Keep the pants and shirts long-sleeved for added coverage. (credit:Getty Creative)
Prevention: Shower regularly(03 of11)
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Mosquitoes are attracted to sweat, so showering regularly will keep you clean and fresh and less appealing to bite. (Sad news for kids everywhere.) (credit:Getty Creative)
Prevention: Use insect repellent(04 of11)
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If you want to bring out the big guns, use insect repellent on exposed skin and loose clothing. But be aware of the ingredients -- like the level of DEET-- especially on children.

Experts recommend using spray with no more than 10 per cent DEET on kids ages two to 12. And be sure not to spray it on kids' hands if they will put them in their mouth or rub their eyes.

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Prevention: Toss standing water(05 of11)
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Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water so anything that could be hospitable to this should be removed when not in use -- kiddie pools, birdbaths and even toys left on the lawn. (credit:Getty Creative)
Treatment(06 of11)
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If you follow all these tips and still get bitten (because those suckers are nothing if not relentless), there are plenty of ways to minimize the discomfort of the bites (rather than carving an X in your skin like you did at camp). (credit:Flickr)
Treatment: Don't scratch!(07 of11)
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The mosquito's saliva causes an allergic reaction and itching can make the bite worse, and take longer to heal. So your first line of defense is to clean the bite with soap and water and avoid itching it at all. (credit:Getty Creative)
Treatment: Baking soda(08 of11)
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That $3 orange box is really a miracle cure-all. A paste of baking soda and water will relieve itching and even minimize swelling. (credit:AL)
Treatment: Coconut oil(09 of11)
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Coconut oil is another essential, all-natural product to keep on hand for many reasons. Just dab a little coconut oil on your bite for a quick hit of relief. (credit:Shutterstock)
Treatment: Itch sticks(10 of11)
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Specially formulated creams that can be bought at most major drug stores contain several active ingredients to help the itching. The best part of these is they often contain a mild antibiotic to help avoid any possible infection. (credit:Getty Creative)
Treatment: Aspirin(11 of11)
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The good news is you don't have to look too far for some sweet, sweet relief. Crush up an Aspirin, mix with water and dab it directly on the bite for a few minutes then rinse with warm water. (credit:Shutterstock)