Mum Relieves Newborn's Chest Congestion By Placing Vibrator On Baby's Back

"Motherhood requires you to be resourceful."

One mum came up with an unusual method for relieving her newborn’s congestion – holding a vibrator on the baby’s back, while they both sat in a steamy bathroom.

The woman, who remains anonymous, shared a photo of her parenting hack and posted it on the Melons and Cuties Facebook page – and boy did it go down well. 

Many thought it was a great idea and hugely ingenious on the mum’s part – one parent said it was hilarious “but also a brilliant representation of how motherhood requires you to be resourceful”.

And another wrote: “Good job, use whatever you have to look after little ones.”

The Melons and Cuties Facebook page moderator commented on the picture that many hospitals and respiratory therapists use them “on the back” in the treatment of respiratory issues.

The moderator continued: “It is common practice. Respiratory therapists tell us the gentle vibrations help to loosen mucous secretions so they can be coughed up. In turn this could help prevent pneumonia and other issues.”

The viral post was certainly a talking point with the majority of people opting to focus on the positives. One mum wrote: “And here the whole time I’ve been using my vibrator on my vagina, today is the first day of my new life.”

And another added: “I just bought three! Don’t let the fact that I don’t have any kids make this weird.”

Others shared their alternative uses for vibrators. One person said her mum used to put a vibrator under her brother’s crib mattress to simulate the vibrations of their car – as it was the only thing that would help him fall asleep. Fans of ‘Sex and the City’ may remember Samantha employing a similar hack while baby-sitting Miranda’s son Brady.

Another mum said they’re good for clogged milks ducts when you’re breastfeeding – “the vibrations loosen up the hardened tissues.” Who knew?