When Did Skinny Shaming Become Okay? TV Presenter Rebecca Judd Criticised For 'Skinny' Bikini Selfie

When Did Skinny Shaming Become Okay?

Body shaming happens to those of all shapes and sizes and the latest person to come under criticism for their physique is Australian TV presenter Rebecca Judd.

Rebecca, 31, posted the below bikini picture to Instagram, apparently because she wanted to show off her new spray tan.

"Finally a great organic spray tan service which comes to your house," she wrote with the picture.

But according to The Sydney Daily Telegraph, the image received much criticism, with many of Rebecca's followers saying she looked "too skinny" and had lost too much weight just six months after giving birth.

According to New York Daily News, others said the presenter looked like "a prisoner of war."

The negative comments have since been removed from Rebecca's Instagram account.

Comments that remain on the picture show support from Rebecca's fans.

"I'm so angry that this post has led Australian talk hosts to debate whether this is 'too skinny' or not. The fact that this post has caused so much controversy is just crazy. I love this photo, and I love that you look that good after two kids!" Instagram user Vicky Karalis writes.

Insulting a person's body, whatever their size, may have a detrimental affect on their wellbeing and long-term health.

Susan Ringwood, chief executive at eating disorders charity Beat told HuffPost UK Lifestyle why we should avoid commenting on a person's body in a photograph.

“You can’t tell just by looking at a picture of someone’s body if they are healthy not, and making critical comments about someone’s size- whether that is large or small- is never helpful.

"It doesn’t help our friends, it doesn’t help ourselves and it doesn’t help those people who find themselves scrutinised in public.

"Beat encourages everyone to celebrate the wonderful diversity that our bodies represent, because that is what gives us the strength and emotional resilience we need to fight the size-shamers.”

Skinny shaming is not okay and to see why, just reverse the comments Rebecca received as if they were aimed at someone who is overweight.

Even if you do have concerns for a friend or a celebrity, sending insults via Instagram is not the way to help.