Genius 'Dumb Ways To Die' Video Is The Best Safety Campaign Ever

'Dumb Ways To Die' Should Replace All Safety Videos

While we're all worried about how we'll pop our clogs one day - will it be cancer? Or a hairdryer in the bathtub? - there are lesser known ways to die which aren't often discussed, or even thought about.

The 'Dumb Ways To Die' safety video, released in 2012 by Metro in Melbourne, highlights - yep, you guessed it - some of the dumbest ways to die.

For instance: using your private parts as piranha bait, fishing your bread out of the toaster with a fork or even hiding in your tumble dryer.

The video was released to make people aware of the dangers surrounding trains and finishes with a poignant message: "Stand on the edge of a train station platform, drive around the gates of a level crossing, run across the tracks between a platform, they may not rhyme but they are quite possibly the dumbest ways to die."

They also created a game, which you can download on your phone, to raise awareness.

According to McCann Melbourne, the video and game have since contributed to a 30% decrease in near-miss accidents on the tracks.

Best safety campaign ever? We think so, and so (probably) do the other 90 million people who have watched the video to date.

There's more though. Realising the success of video number one, Metro is to bring out a sequel 'Dumb Ways To Die' video and game highlighting the dangers of fitness training. Here's a teaser...

Have you seen the Dumb Ways To Die video before? Did it make you feel more aware of rail safety? Tweet us @HuffPoLifestyle.

[H/T Mashable]