Do You Have Bad Ankle And Hip Mobility? This Simple Exercise Will Tell You

Do You Have Bad Ankle And Hip Mobility? Take This Super Simple Test

If you feel like your fitness levels are a little lackluster then fear not. This simple 10-second test could tell you all you need to know.

Bruce Mack praises the oh-so-humble deep squat. He adds that it's great for notifying you of whether you have good ankle and hip mobility. Or sometimes not, as the case may be.

Mack notes that if you don't have good mobility, you might experience knee pain or lower back pain when trying this particular exercise.

To do the exercise, grab yourself a pole or broom handle (or even a mop handle, we're not fussy).

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and, while holding the pole above your head, begin to squat.

If you find that your body struggles to stay balanced and your squat is quite shaky, then chances are you're suffering from mobility problems.

To overcome this, Mack suggests putting your heels on a wooden plank (or book) and then trying to squat. This should give your ankles the support they desire and will make your squat so much better.

He adds that you should try ankle exercises to strengthen that area of the body.

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Not struggling with ankle or hip mobility, try doing a super squat (as shown here by Jay Cardiello).

:: Place feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart, hips stacked over knees, knees over ankles.

:: Roll the shoulders back and down away from the ears. Note: Allowing the back to round (like a turtle’s shell) will cause unnecessary stress on the lower back.

:: Extend the arms out straight so they are parallel with the ground, palms facing down. Or, if it’s more comfortable, pull the elbows close to the body, palms facing each other and thumbs pointing up.

:: Initiate movement by inhaling into the belly, and unlocking the hips, slightly bringing them back. Keep sending hips backward as the knees begin to bend.

:: While your bum starts to stick out, make sure the chest and shoulders stay upright, and the back stays straight.

:: Keep the head facing forward with eyes straight ahead for a neutral spine.

:: Let the hip joint squat lower to the ground than the knees, if comfortable.

:: Engage the core, and exhale while driving through the heels to return to standing. Imagine the feet are spreading the floor (the left foot to the left, right foot to the right) without actually moving the feet.