Lost Toy Elephant Given Bath And Blow-Dry By Stranger – But Still Needs To Find Its Owner

The toy was found alone and dirty on a busy London street.

A man who found a lost toy in Vauxhall has gone the extra mile to reunite it with its owners. 

Imran Ahmed, who lives in London, found the baby elephant on the road and took it home to take care of it. 

And in a move that will make you go all gooey at the edges, he gave the soft toy the full pampering treatment - including a bath and ‘a very gentle blow dry’ - to make sure it was clean again before taking a photo and posting it on Twitter.  

The post has been shared more than a thousand times, and people are truly touched.

Some said it had “made their day”, while others thanked Imran for being “a lovely man” and for doing something “cute”. 

Others shared their own tales of lost toy woe, including one mother who posted a reply showing what happened when her little girl lost her favourite toy - and the extra lengths the toy-makers went to, to make her smile again. 

Some took the point Imran made in his original tweet about feeding the toy peanuts, questioned the veracity of elephant diets - and other Twitter users ran with it. 

Imran admitted he shouldn’t have assumed the toy’s gender. He even apologised. 

And he followed his original post up by saying that he hoped to try and find its owners in time for Valentine’s Day.  

So if the elephant is yours, don’t worry - it’s being well looked after.