Time Is The Greatest Gift We Can Give Ourselves

If there is one thing I've learned in all my years as a makeup artist and entrepreneur, it's that many women forget they deserve time. They'll do whatever it takes to build careers, bring up families and be good friends, but their own needs take a backseat. "I don't need time," they'll say. "I'm fine."

If there is one thing I've learned in all my years as a makeup artist and entrepreneur, it's that many women forget they deserve time. They'll do whatever it takes to build careers, bring up families and be good friends, but their own needs take a backseat. "I don't need time," they'll say. "I'm fine."

Our "always on" culture has definitely added more weight to the already heavy load. On top of everything else, there is the expectation to answer emails and messages immediately. Rest time has become non-existent. Stressed is the new normal. We are, without doubt, last on our own list of priorities.

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Picture credit:The Makeup of A Confident Woman by Trish McEvoy, published by Harper360

This is why my message has always been centred around one thing: allowing yourself the gift of time. The common thread running through almost every woman who has ever sat in front of me is the wish to feel better. Not different, just better. More productive, energised, brighter. To look in the mirror and simply feel good. To have higher self-esteem. To regain the confidence lost somewhere between setting goals and being swamped with responsibilities.

So, after decades of being privileged enough to hear so many clients' stories, worries and wishes, I decided to conduct a little experiment. I asked a group of women to engage in a simple activity that would boost their confidence each day. While some chose a short meditation, others opted to give themselves 15 extra minutes to get ready in the morning. My team and I discovered most women instantly knew what they'd do with a little me-time.

And the results were extraordinary - every woman, without exception said she felt calmer, focused and more excited about the day ahead. They went from dreading what it could present to feeling positive about what might happen. The surprise in all of this was every age group felt the same. From twenty-something graduates to sixty-something grandmothers, everyone was stretched and everyone swooned at the prospect of taking back a few moments for themselves.

This is why I think finding and building confidence starts simply - it's a few minutes each day for you to centre your thoughts and relax. It's finding a peace that equips you to take on life, certain of the fact that you can handle it. Whether you're CEO of a family or a company, you have the capacity each day to make that change for yourself. It's the gift of time, and it's a gift you deserve.

Trish McEvoy's new book, The Makeup of a Confident Woman, is out now on Harper Collins.