Can't Weight for Xmas?

A better plan then, may be what I encourage all of my training clients to do and that is lose some weight in anticipation that you may 'overeat' a little. That way you could enjoy some of what you fancy over the holidays and come through the whole experience weighing what you normally do.

Health and Fitness isn't on most people's agendas as the Holiday season approaches but you can bet that most of us will be wanting to look slim and shapely for the many parties, dinners and festive get-together's that are planned! A slinky little black dress isn't much use as an attraction beneath the mistletoe if the body inside doesn't match up to our own standards and expectations-no matter how expensive the designer label attached! It is a little known statistical fact that each of us, after the age of 28 puts on a pound a year for the rest of our lives. This is a broad average but not difficult to believe when you think that almost everyone will put some weight on over Christmas. Into the New Year and some of that weight gained will come off but usually a pound or so remains-statistically.

A better plan then, may be what I encourage all of my training clients to do and that is lose some weight in anticipation that you may 'overeat' a little. That way you could enjoy some of what you fancy over the holidays and come through the whole experience weighing what you normally do. The desirability of this end result of course is governed by what you do normally weigh. It's not too late in the year to be thinking of shedding a few kilo's before Xmas and also to be in better shape for next year! Pictured are two ladies who planned to be very different for their next Christmas than the previous one.

Both career ladies, Amanda and Elaine contacted me because they seriously wanted to look and feel much better for next Christmas than they had done the previous one!. As you can see, in the before picture the trappings of 'a successful life' had began to show they are still wearing very nice gowns, jewellery and hair-do's but the overall effect is diminished greatly when a woman's figure isn't all it could be. One year on and they have shed around 10 stones (66 kilo's) in total between them and now the picture is very different. The home pictured behind them is the same, even the Christmas tree is the same but the girls are not the same. I can't recall a clearer illustration that proves the fact that if you really want things to change for the better for you then you must change. Both are busy working mothers but they each committed to regular but brief workouts weekly (guided by myself online) and the results speak for themselves. Next year doesn't have to be like the last one if you are prepared to make the changes you need to. If you are serious about getting in shape but have limited time to spare then getting professional training and nutritional advice is the only way forward. You need not worry if you are doing too little exercise or too much, eating enough or so on when you are getting professional guidance you can look forward to becoming more happy and energetic as you start looking better and weighing less. The ladies pictured here are now half the size that they were but I can tell you, they are walking ten feet taller than the year before! Can you just imagine the shocked (And I might say slightly envious) reaction of friends and family who hadn't seen these ladies since the last Xmas?

It's difficult for me to relate what self-actualization they both achieved by this transformation but suffice to say they had a far better celebration with their friends and families in a long time. If we're not truly happy with ourselves why celebrate Xmas at all? For some it's just a diversion or an avoidance of facing up to the fact that we feel we've let ourselves down. So for this Christmas, or the next Birthday or Anniversary or whatever, why not plan for the next big occasion in your life by getting in your best shape possible and make it something really worth throwing a party for.

Go on, you know you want to!

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