When it comes to making the most of meditation, finding the right environment is a big part of the process. While we all have our own idea of the perfect place to meditate, there are many common aspects of the perfect mediation environment.
You should look to meditate in a room with no electronic gadgets, no computers, no TVs or anything which may cause a distraction. When it comes to meditation, most experienced meditation specialists will refer to these devices as creating a negative energy in a room. Whether this is through the devices themselves or the temptation that they may have on you, disrupting you from fully focusing on meditating will be different for each individual. However, there is no doubt that removing these devices from your meditation environment will increase your chances of fully focusing on your session.
On a related note, you should be looking to remove aspects that cause a distraction or catch your eye such as light bulbs that come in vibrant colours or things that shine or that may catch the light.
Don't let yourself be distracted
When it comes to distractions, visual elements are not the only things to be mindful of, noise can be a distraction. This means that you should be looking to create an environment that is peaceful and will allow you to meditate with disruption. This may mean closing your windows to ensure that any noise from outside doesn't impact on your focus. By all means meditate outside, many people like this approach but you should opt for a secluded place where you will not be interrupted or disturbed.
While it is important to find an environment without any surprising or unexpected noises, many people like to meditate to calm and peaceful music. If this is sounds of benefit to you, make sure that you find an environment where you can play music. There are many options with respect to portable music players with speakers so you should find that no matter where you are, you'll be able to play music in an effective manner without impacting on others.
Don't forget the sense of smell
Sight and hearing are very important senses when it comes to getting in the right frame of mind for meditation but a lot of people overlook or dismiss the sense of smell. All of your senses can have an impact on how receptive you are for meditation and it may be that you will find that adding a nice smell to your environment will help you to meditate.
Different people have different tastes and preferences when it comes to smells so you should experiment until you find a smell that is compatible with your idea of relaxation. There is an abundance of scented oils, fragrance lamps and candles to choose from but if you are using candles, make sure that it is safe to do so.
Another important aspect to focus on in creating a positive meditation environment is to create a comfortable space where you can stay in the one position for a considerable period of time. You want to find something soft and comfortable but equally, you don't want to find something so comfortable that you end up sinking into or falling off of.