For the last year I've been in my roller-coaster developing an enterprise in training and development industry. This year I've also started practicing for a half-marathon and marathon.
Those who keep jogging would agree that besides all the physical aspects of running, there are some mental things taking place - your mind is clear, your thoughts are in order, solutions are easier to be found, etc. So the purpose of this post is not to list all benefits of running practice, but to share some insights I've been having while jogging.
And since major part of my time is dedicated to entrepreneurship and developing business at the moment, I'm sharing my lessons from running and will be more than happy if it would resonate with your experience in business and life.

1. Success is 80% of psychology and 20% of mechanics. It's all mental.
"If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right."
-Henry Ford.
2. The key to success is self-awareness. Know where you are and where you're going. Pace yourself properly. If you go out too fast, you'll have nothing left for the end. If you go too slow, you'll probably lose. It's important to know when to lead and when to follow. Find your pace. Plan accordingly.
3. When things get tough and painful, focus on taking one step at a time. Sometimes it is scary to start something big and complex, instead break it down to small and simple parts that you've had experience in accomplishing already.
4. Where there's a will, there's a way. If you really want something, you'll find time for it. The only reason I can tell you you don't really want it - is the fact you don't have it by now.
5. Look for the path, not the obstacles. You can seek your motivation either in how far you've run or in the distance yet to run. Feel what works for you in each and every moment.
6. You can't get to the finish line if you don't make it to the start. So roll up your sleeves and start going.
7. There are no shortcuts to success. No one can do the work for you. If it was easy, everyone would do it. Small steps every day would make a journey of a thousand miles.
8. Don't compare yourself to other people. It is too dangerous to think you are the best, there will always be someone better than you. On the other hand to think you are the worst is self-destructing since it won't lead you to success and satisfaction. Your main competitor is in your mind, so try to compete with the person in the mirror.
9. There is always room for improvement. If you think you reached your potential limit, you are 100% wrong. Always stay in the growth mindset.
10. Rest days are as important as practice. In running use them mostly for letting your organism become stronger. In business use them to revise your strategies. It is important to sharpen your saw.
11. Go with the Flow. Go with what the day brings. Appreciate your abilities. Don't take your good health for granted. So as your value proposition and resources in business. Do the best with what you've got.
12. Some things, like the weather, are simply out of your control. You can't choose the weather, but you can choose your attitude and approach. Bad weather is not a good excuse. Global crisis is not a good excuse either.
13. Running and entrepreneurship is the journey, not just the destination. Enjoy the ride and the view around. And celebrate milestones, big and small.
14. Surround yourself with people who support your goals and dreams. Your like-minded environment is a key both in good and bad days. Help others along the way.
15. Stick to your "True North". From time to time remind yourself - "What for?". Most of the things we do have both egocentric and altruistic reasons. The purpose of running is to keep or improve your health as well as to inspire others to do the same.
The purpose of running a business is to make a living as well as to spend your time, energy, and capital on putting a dent on improving people's lives by creating a product or service.
It is important to find and stick to your "True North".