Hands up if you’re well and truly ready for the weekend... 🙌
To end the week on a high, here are five wonderful animal stories and tweets that’ll warm the cockles of your heart – or at the very least, make you chuckle.
1. Bambi Befriends Little Girl.
The daughter of an American sports star befriended a fawn found in the family’s garage – and their bond is adorable. Jarvis Landry, who plays for Cleveland Browns, filmed two-year-old Joy as she walked through the garden with the tiny deer in tow.
In a separate video, Joy could be seen gently stroking the deer’s head. There’s excitement, caution and tenderness. A 10/10 cinematic experience.
2. Standing Cat Wows The World.
Alyx Weiss’ cat just learned how to stand upright. Next stop: world domination.
She’s building her army. We should probably be worried.
3. Rescue Pup And Blind Calf Are Inseparable.
Two animals have struck up the unlikeliest of friendships: a blind two-month-old calf called Heaven befriended rescue pit bull Sweetpea at the centre where they live in Alberta, US.
They love to play, sniff and sunbathe together according to Erin Deems, the rescue centre’s executive director. She told CBC News: “They took to each other and immediately bonded. Love knows no species boundaries. When two animals can bond like that, it’s pretty heartwarming.”
4. Dog Tucks Himself In.
In other animals-behaving-like-humans-related news, one man’s dog decided to make himself pretty comfortable while his owner wasn’t looking. Cheeky.
5. Rare Penguin Born In Birmingham.
A teeny penguin has been born at the National Sea Life Centre in Birmingham. The Gentoo penguin’s birth is particularly momentous for the species – the parents travelled thousands of miles by aeroplane to conceive, as part of the centre’s global breeding programme.
The baby has been named ‘Flash’ due to its quick arrival. Staff had heard the ‘pipping’ of the shell just 12 hours earlier, marking the start of its hatching.
Welcome to the world, little buddy.