Adil Ray Insists Curtis Pritchard ‘Loved’ Controversial Good Morning Britain Interview And Denies He Tried To Force Him To ‘Come Out’

The presenter and his co-host Kate Garraway came under fire for their "uncomfortable" line of questioning.

Adil Ray has responded to accusations he tried to force Love Island star Curtis Pritchard to come out as bisexual during an interview on Good Morning Britain.

The 23-year-old dancer made headlines earlier in the week when he said he would not rule out the possibility of a relationship with a man in the future.

After Curtis appeared on the ITV show on Thursday morning, viewers described Adil and co-host Kate Garraway’s line of questioning as “uncomfortable” and “disgusting”.

Curtis Pritchard appeared on Thursday's Good Morning Britain
Curtis Pritchard appeared on Thursday's Good Morning Britain

However, when Adil was challenged about the interview on Twitter, he stopped short of apologising, insisting he was just doing “his job”.

When Twitter user Jordan James asked Adil why he tried “force” Curtis to come out on live TV, Adil replied: “Because he talked about it in an interview and it’s my job.”

He later added that “it was great he was doing things on his terms.”

Because he talked about it in an interview and it’s my job.

— Adil Ray OBE (@adilray) August 8, 2019

Just checking you heard the entire interview, where I said it was great he was doing things on his terms.

— Adil Ray OBE (@adilray) August 8, 2019

When another Twitter user accused co-host Kate Garraway of “badgering” Curtis, Adil insisted she hadn’t and that Curtis “loved it”.

Did you watch the entire interview? Tell me where you saw badgering? Curtis loved it.

— Adil Ray OBE (@adilray) August 8, 2019

During the GMB interview, Curtis insisted his sexuality was not something he felt the need to label, saying: “I think the future’s a road which is unwritten, nobody can ever say what’s going to happen in the future, really.

“I mean, last year, would I have said I’m on Love Island? No. This year, I was on Love Island. So, I never want to label what the future’s going to be, because I don’t think anyone can ever do that.

“So all I want to say is that I’m 100 per cent comfortable where I am now in my relationship with Maura and it’s moving in the correct direction.”

Explaining why he didn’t want to label himself as bisexual, Curtis explained: “Because I don’t feel like I need to label anything. Because, so many people put labels on things, people say things... and – I’ve learned this from the villa – my head’s not going to be turned – and then in the future... the head gets turned, they change their mind and opinion. Things change. That’s why I’m not labelling anything.”


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