Dad Overwhelmed By Strangers' Offers Of Help After Son With Autism Lost His Teddy Bear

'There is a tremendous amount of ‘good’ out there just waiting to be found.' 🐻

A dad has shared how grateful he is after strangers rallied together to help him find his son’s lost teddy bear.

Matt Barnfield, from London, tweeted on 13 April to say his son Jack, who has has autism, lost his favourite scruffy teddy - called Bear - who was his “best friend and companion”. The tweet had more than 18,000 likes and 25,000 retweets. The dad was inundated with messages from people offering to support in any way they could.

“Whether we find Bear or not, one thing is certain, there is a tremendous amount of ‘good’ out there just waiting to be found,” Barnfield tweeted on 14 April. “Truly touched and humbled.”

My beautiful boy has lost his favourite thing in the world known simply as Bear. Jack is autistic and this scruffy bear has been his best friend and companion. He is completely devastated and would be so grateful to find him again. Twickenham, Teddington and local area. Pls RT

— Matt Barnfield (@mattbarnfield1) April 13, 2018

Among the strangers offering support was someone who found an identical bear, although it is slightly more “fluffy” than the original.

Jack’s scruffy pal Bear hasn’t come home ☹️but while we haven’t given up hope, an amazing person has found an identical teddy (much fluffier and cleaner!) that Jack has named Cuddly Bear. He still clearly misses his friend, but we can see he is comforted by this new companion.

— Matt Barnfield (@mattbarnfield1) April 15, 2018

There was also an artist who did a drawing of the original ‘Bear’ for Jack and offered to send it to him.

Hi... can you follow me so you can dm me some pics of Bear?? This quick sketch in meantime. Working under assumption he’s gone looking for honey x

— Dawn Cruttenden (@dawncruttenden) April 15, 2018

Someone else found a similar-looking bear in a different colour and suggested calling it Bear’s long-lost cousin.

I know how hard these situations are. If Bear doesn’t make it home, and you think there’s any chance this bear might be ‘Bear’s Long Lost Canadian Cousin’ who needs to have an extended holiday at Bear’s home, DM me and we’ll make it happen.

— Julie Stitt (@julie_stitt) April 14, 2018

A woman who makes bears herself offered to make Jack his own bear.

I make bears. Happy to make him a replacement x

— Frances (@runcie_frances) April 14, 2018

People offered to send their own, well-loved bears.

This is B. Benjamin Bear... he is my favorite teddy and I love him dearly... But I would gladly send him to you Jack, if your Bear stays on his adventures for a long time and you need a new friend to go on adventures with you😊

— Mandi Michelle (@Cereal_Mommy) April 14, 2018

And others searched for lost bears, although sadly none were Teddy.

Any chance this is it?

— Sheri (@mayrberg) April 15, 2018

Barnfield wrote on Twitter that Jack is currently comforted by the new teddy - the same bear bought brand new - and they’ve told Jack his new friend shares all of Bear’s memories of their fun together and has the same heart.

Responding to everyone’s kind gestures, the dad also tweeted: “I would like to thank everyone who has tried to help find Bear from the bottom of my heart for your time, caring and genuine kindness.

“My wife and I have been blown away by the incredible response. My faith in humanity has never been stronger. We feel truly blessed and humbled.”
