BBC Question Time Britain After Brexit Special: 8 Things That Got Tongues Wagging

From David Davis fiddling with his glasses to the lack of diversity on the panel.

It was billed as a BBC Question Time special where questions about Brexit would be “put to politicians on both sides of the argument”.

Audience members from all different walks of life gathered in Birmingham to scrutinise a panel including Brexit Secretary David Davis, Labour MP Keir Starmer, former deputy prime minister Nick Clegg, Ukip’s Suzanne Evans, former SNP leader Alex Salmond and Times journalist Melanie Phillips live on television at 8.30pm on Monday.

Aside from the expected variety of questions and revelations during the 90-minute ‘Britain After Brexit’ special, there were also a few other things that got tongues wagging.

Here are eight of them.

1) The lack of diversity on the panel

Coming up on @BBCOne now: a Question Time special - Britain After Brexit - join the debate using #bbcqt

— BBC Question Time (@bbcquestiontime) March 27, 2017

Six people were on the panel - two were women, every member was white.

Obviously, this didn’t go unnoticed.

#bbcqt #Brexit special: Nigel Farage bumped for Suzanne Evans. 4 men 2 women. All white. No Welsh/N Irish views.

— Gerry Hassan (@GerryHassan) March 27, 2017

So #bbcqt when can we routinely have a representative panel? All white tonight. 5:2 men:women

— Jane Franklin (@janeyfranklin) March 27, 2017

I love Dimbleby, fantastic, but any danger of choosing someone younger to make a comment instead of white-haired 60 something men? #BBCQT

— Sean Lewis (@sean__lewis99) March 27, 2017

2) Glasses

Not only was the panel dominated by white men in suits, there was also a high proportion of spectacle wearers.

David Davis in particular captured the attention of viewers with his constant glasses fiddling, as shown here.

David Davis says that most people are in favour of migration but that it must be managed #bbcqt

— BBC Question Time (@bbcquestiontime) March 27, 2017

In addition to everything he says, David Davis taking his glasses off every time he speaks is really annoying! #bbcqt #questiontime

— Andy West (@AndyWest93) March 27, 2017

David Davis needs a pair of glasses with springs on - on/off/on/off/on/off. Nervous smirk as well. #bbcqt

— #knowlesey (@pele_rocco) March 27, 2017

Brexit fact: David Davis is scared of his own glasses and can't wear them for more than five seconds at a time #bbcqt

— Jason Spacey (@Jason_Spacey) March 27, 2017

Everyone has their glasses on now. This must be serious. #bbcqt

— Ed Whitfield (@edwhitfield) March 27, 2017

3) Alex/Alec Salmond

His name was written as Alex Salmond but David Davis was calling his Alec. Some thought it was rude.

David Davis is so rude. Keeps calling Alex Salmond Alec. #bbcqt

— Nicky McElhatton (@nickelhatton) March 27, 2017

Why does David Davis keep calling Alex Salmond "Alec"? Is it an in joke? #bbcqt

— Louis Gill 🇪🇺 (@Louisjsgill) March 27, 2017

U would think that David Davis would at least know the names of the people on the panel Its Alex Salmond not Alec Salmond #outoftouch #bbcqt

— Brianna Bethany (@Brianna_Bethany) March 27, 2017

#bbcqt Update : Alex Salmond is now to be referred to as Alec.

— Amy Wright (@MelissaAmyW) March 27, 2017

In fact, Alec is the Scottish way to refer to Alex, people.

4) Suzanne Evans being told to pipe down by Dimbleby

The video at the top shows the moment the Ukip Deputy Chair was told to wait her turn by the Question Time presenter.

Some people enjoyed it.

Suzanne Evans being told off by David Dimbleby has probably made my night! #bbcqt

— Fitness&Equilibrium (@fitnessandequi1) March 27, 2017

David Dimbleby bossing Suzanne Evans on #bbcqt. No one shouts down Dimbleby! 👊

— Gareth Hopley (@GarethTheHop) March 27, 2017

While others stuck up for her.

@bbcquestiontime @BBCNews dimbleby so rude to Suzanne Evans, totally out of order.

— Jane (@Jane93156464) March 27, 2017

Why is Alex Salmond allowed to waffle without interruption but Suzanne Evans instantly shut up by Dimbleby #bbcqt

— David Vance (@DVATW) March 27, 2017

Twice Suzanne Evans tried to speak, twice Alex Salmond interrupted her, not once did David Dimbleby stop him - He did silence Evans! #bbcqt

— Patrick Coffey (@pmjcoffey) March 27, 2017

5) Nick Clegg

Is Cleggmania going to be 2017’s biggest comeback? Possibly.

People were just loving the return of the the former Lib Dem leader.

So who would have thought @nick_clegg would be smashing it tonight on @bbcquestiontime - Clegg is like this after every point.. #bbcqt

— Hugo Davies (@Hugopdavies) March 27, 2017

Nick Clegg is a politician reborn. #bbcqt

— George Eaton (@georgeeaton) March 27, 2017

Nick Clegg one of the few people with any sanity at all #bbcqt

— Chris Restall (@RestallC) March 27, 2017

6) A long question speech from an audience member in a tweed jacket

This chap was very eloquent as he spoke up for the powerless.

But people wondered what exactly his question was.

Man in blazer…get to the point please, chap.#bbcqt

— Antony (@Antony_SW11) March 27, 2017

Kinda zoned out two minutes into tweed jacket there #bbcqt

— FreshVinceOfHilaire (@Bazihnio) March 27, 2017

What's your question mate #bbcqt

— Mark (@mabmab71) March 27, 2017

7) Alex Salmond

Alex, Alec, whatever you want to call him won some new fans like Clegg but also it was noted that he spoke, a lot.

Alex Salmond says that the attitude of Westminster towards the devolved administrations has been 'contemptuous' #bbcqt

— BBC Question Time (@bbcquestiontime) March 27, 2017

# BBC question time.
Is this the Alex Salmond show. Why is he taking priority. ???

— Rosemarie (@bulleyment) March 27, 2017

8) Melanie Phillips saying she was going to throw up...

...if she hears the terms hard Brexit and soft Brexit again.

It was the final chance for members of the panel to shine and this was what she said.

And yes, it was the final thing that got tongues wagging.

I would relish watching Melanie Philips throw up 🤢 #bbcqt

— Gareth Thomas (@gart78) March 27, 2017


— David Trent (@mistertrent) March 27, 2017

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