Brexit Poll Finds More People Oppose It For First Time Since Referendum

So much for 'the country is coming together'.

More people now oppose Brexit than support it for the first time since the referendum, a poll has revealed.

A total of 45% say the vote to leave was wrong, while 43% think the opposite and 12% don’t know, the YouGov poll for The Times found.

The shock poll comes after prominent figures including the prime minister have said opinion has turned in favour of Brexit since 52% of people voted for it last June.

Theresa May has claimed 'the country is coming together' on Brexit
Theresa May has claimed 'the country is coming together' on Brexit
PA Wire/PA Images

Theresa May, who backed Remain but is pushing for a hard Brexit as prime minister, said “the country is coming together” on Brexit when she called a snap election.

The ex-Ukip leader Nigel Farage claimed Leave would win a second referendum by three times this margin in February.

In fact, the polls on the issue have not significantly moved since the June referendum.

Election analyst Mike Smithson shared the YouGov polling on the same question since August to show how little opinion had changed.

Latest YouGov BREXIT tracker finds more people saying vote to leave EU was wrong than those saying right.

— Mike Smithson (@MSmithsonPB) April 26, 2017

The YouGov poll found people thought the Tories were clearest On Brexit, as Labour struggles to articulate an alternative vision to leaving the EU.

A total of 50% said the Tories had been clear and 31% said unclear, while 45% said they trusted May to negotiate Brexit over Jeremy Corbyn, whom just 16% preferred.


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