Tory Chair Reveals His 'Frustration' With Party Colleagues Over Conservative In-Fighting

Richard Holden said it was "always frustrating" when MPs publicly expressed their grievances.
Conservative Party chair Richard Holden
Conservative Party chair Richard Holden
ITV News

Tory Party chair Richard Holden has made clear his his frustration with his warring Conservative colleagues in a revealing TV interview.

In a moment when the ITV camera crew were filming cutaway shots, Holden was asked how he felt about the other Tory MPs who have called for PM Rishi Sunak to step down or who have called for the party to change direction.

The party chairman said this was “always frustrating”.

“People are always going to have different opinions,” he said. “Usually, it’s best for those opinions to be expressed with other colleagues in the most constructive manner possible, and I’m not sure all colleagues have always done that.”

ITV News’ political correspondent Tom Sheldrick then interrupted Holden to remind him, “your microphone’s on for this”.

Holden went on: “All colleagues want the same outcomes,” referring to migration and economic policies.

“The truth is there will always be slight disagreements about how to get there. It’s always important for all colleagues to remember what unites us, which are those fundamental things.”

Watch the exchange here:

Conservative chairman @RicHolden admits unrest in his party is "frustrating", says some colleagues have not been "constructive" & urges Tory MPs to "remember what unites us"

This was while we were filming cutaway shots, but he was happy his microphone was on - as you can see...

— Tom Sheldrick (@TomSheldrickITV) February 9, 2024

Elsewhere in the interview, Holden – MP for North West Durham – furiously defended his loyalty to the North East region.

But he refused to say why he is not standing in any of the four local constituencies his current seat will be split into after the boundary review.

Sheldrick said: “It’s about you trying to find a safer seat, isn’t it, somewhere else in the country for yourself, rather than being loyal to the North East?”

Holden then energetically jabbed a map of the region and said: “No, I am bloody loyal to the North East, Tom.

“I care about this constituency. I fought for them every day since 2019.

“They’ve never had constituency MP who works harder. I’m up there still, even doing this [party chair] job, every week, working seven days a week, for the people of North West Durham, and I’m going to continue right to the day of the next general election.”

More than 50 Conservative MPs have already announced that they will not be standing at the next general election in a mass exodus.

NEW: Conservative party chairman @RicHolden insists "I am bloody loyal to the North East" when I ask him why he isn't standing in any of the 4 local constituencies his North West Durham seat will be split into after the boundary review

— Tom Sheldrick (@TomSheldrickITV) February 9, 2024

Conservative chairman & North West Durham MP @RicHolden also refused to confirm that he plans to stand anywhere at the general election, telling me: "I don't know what I'm going to do yet"

— Tom Sheldrick (@TomSheldrickITV) February 9, 2024

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