Minister's 'Tone Deaf' Idea To Save Money Triggers Priceless Twitter Reaction

"If I ever get the opportunity, I will tip Tesco Value baked beans down the back of his collar."
George Eustice had some rather surprising views on how the general public should buy their groceries
George Eustice had some rather surprising views on how the general public should buy their groceries

George Eustice suggested this morning that buying “value brands” from supermarkets would help everyone cope with the cost of living crisis – and people are furious.

The environment, food and rural affairs secretary told Sky News on Wednesday: “Generally speaking, what people find is by going for some sort of value brand rather than own branded products they can actually contain and manage their household budget.”

This sparked significant backlash, especially considering more than one in five people in the UK are in poverty according to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

The government has also exacerbated the crisis by increasing national insurance contributions at the beginning of April, while energy bills started soaring after energy regulator Ofgem lifted the price cap.

These higher costs are now being passed onto the consumer, meaning grocery bills are climbing too. More and more people are subsequently turning to food banks as they choose between eating and heating.

Yet, the government seems to be doing little to help. Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s spring statement was heavily criticised for not acting on the crisis when it was first unveiled in March.

And to make matters worse, prime minister Boris Johnson used a very bizarre defence to explain away Downing Street’s inaction on ITV’s Good Morning Britain this week.

When told about a pensioner who has to ride the bus all day just to stay warm because she can’t afford her energy bills, the prime minister replied by saying had actually championed the 24-hour freedom bus pass.

Eustice’s comments about saving money on Sky News this morning therefore followed a wave of embarrassing government missteps when it comes to handling the cost of living crisis.

Here’s a roundup of the best Twitter reactions to the cabinet minister’s suggestion so far:

Let them eat Tesco Value cake

— Andrej (@AndrejNkv) May 4, 2022

Staggering comment by Tory Minister - up there with the time Dominic Raab said people using food banks were just facing “cash flow problems”

Pensioners are riding on buses all day just to keep warm - and this is the Govt’s solution. Couldn’t be more out of touch if they tried

— Caroline Lucas (@CarolineLucas) May 4, 2022

“Let them eat cack”

— Andrew Hunter Murray (@andrewhunterm) May 4, 2022


— James Felton (@JimMFelton) May 4, 2022

Vote Conservative and ride around on the bus all winter eating value range soup out of a tin. Sunlit uplands.

— Rob Davies (@ByRobDavies) May 4, 2022

How they live How they want
you to live

— Слава Україні! 🇺🇦 (@Michael_Dunn4) May 4, 2022

Gosh. I bet people skipping meals & wearing coats indoors wish they’d been told this sooner.

— James Oh Brien (@mrjamesob) May 4, 2022

Oh God. The kitchen Cabinet guide to budget cooking.

— Ayesha Hazarika (@ayeshahazarika) May 4, 2022

Dickensian levels of ignorance from this Government 🤯

— Dr Lou Mycroft (@LouMycroft) May 4, 2022

It's really weird how rich people always seem to know how to be poor better than actual poor people.

— Dean Burnett (@garwboy) May 4, 2022

Really can't get over this. How tone deaf to people's problems do you have to be to say this? Christ, does he think people choosing between heat and food have been shopping at Fortnums this whole time?

— Daniel Sohege 🧡 (@stand_for_all) May 4, 2022

'For you, scum, the Fray Bentos glory years are at an end'

— Andy Dawson (@profanityswan) May 4, 2022

If only poor people were smart enough to think about buying cheaper brands…

— James Wong (@Botanygeek) May 4, 2022

Last year, George Eustice claimed just shy of £200,000 in expenses.

— Sarah Phelps (@PhelpsieSarah) May 4, 2022

By buying sainsbury’s own brand digestives for 6 months I now live here! #VoteLabour on Thursday

— Martin Angus (@martinangus) May 4, 2022

Who knew? This takes mansplaining to a whole new level

— Sarah Mackinnon 💙 (@egdam55) May 4, 2022

If I ever get the opportunity, I will tip Tesco Value baked beans down the back of his collar.

— Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) May 4, 2022

"'Let them eat own-brand food', says minister" may not be a vote-winner in a local or general election

— Paul Waugh (@paulwaugh) May 4, 2022

What is particularly bizarre is he clearly doesn’t understand supermarkets’ own brands as opposed to premium brands.

— Chris Bryant (@RhonddaBryant) May 4, 2022

How wealthy people save money and how poor people save money is very, very different…

— Mike Galsworthy 🇺🇦 (@mikegalsworthy) May 4, 2022

You can't buy those kinds of political antennae, can you?

— Robert Wright (@RKWinvisibleman) May 4, 2022

Labour pal texts: “Or you could just get luxury hampers from a donor.”

— Kevin Schofield (@KevinASchofield) May 4, 2022

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