Energy Prices Are Set To Rise By Triple Figures – And Twitter Is More Furious With No.10 Than Ever

"Seriously, how tf are we going to afford this?"
Chancellor Rishi Sunak outlined the government support for consumers after the energy price cap increased
Chancellor Rishi Sunak outlined the government support for consumers after the energy price cap increased
House of Commons - PA Images via Getty Images

Energy regulator Ofgem has just announced a staggering increase in energy prices, leaving people absolutely outraged at No.10 – again.

Energy bills will rise by up to £693 (54%) per year for each household from April, adding to the cost of living crisis, in England, Wales and Scotland.

It means consumers could pay closer to £1,971 on average for their yearly gas and electricity bills and close to six million people could be soon be facing fuel poverty.

Downing Street has promised some financial help will be available to offset the staggering increase – but the public are still furious.

A few people have pointed out that Boris Johnson promised the UK would be able to secure lower gas and electricity bills if the country left the EU when he was campaigning for Brexit back in 2016.

Others have suggested all the other ways the government could have tackled the rising wholesale gas prices without impacting the cost of living, such as cutting VAT.

Here’s what everyone’s been saying:

Really not hyperbolic to say this will tip so, so many people into poverty. Absolutely awful news.

— Jack Marshall (@JackMarshall__) February 3, 2022

People will not be able to cope.

— Bex (@bexin2d) February 3, 2022

It's true, isn't it? The Tories claim to be the party of low tax, but, one way or another, under the Tories ordinary people get hammered by tax and VAT, high prices, low pay and reduced support. The Tories cost you more and deliver less, every single time.

— Dominic Minghella (@DMinghella) February 3, 2022


— Adam Bienkov (@AdamBienkov) February 3, 2022

April showers won’t be cheap. The sudden surge in the cost of heating will hit families across the country just as the new NI tax kicks in. People need control of their lives by having control of their wallets - that’s why lower taxes matter for every home.

— Tom Tugendhat (@TomTugendhat) February 3, 2022

Jesus this is brutal.

— Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) February 3, 2022

Yet more truth from the man nobody in parliament is allowed to call a liar

— James Felton (@JimMFelton) February 3, 2022

Don’t worry Fuck you
about it pay me

— James Felton (@JimMFelton) February 3, 2022

So we’re clear…

Johnson is praising Brexit for enabling us to cut VAT on gas and electricity

But refuses to cut VAT on gas and electric

While EU country Spain has already cut VAT on gas and electricity

— Marina Purkiss (@MarinaPurkiss) February 3, 2022

But what *is* sustainable is having to choose between heating and eating.

— Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) February 3, 2022

£700 extra on gas bill is a disaster. But the gas cap rise is political decision, not some force of nature. Gov't could halt it, levy windfall tax on super-profits, bring failing suppliers into public ownership. Instead they prioritise profits over living standards.

— James Meadway (@meadwaj) February 3, 2022

Seriously, how tf are we going to afford this?

— Joseph Martin (@suddenlyjoseph) February 3, 2022

A reminder that is already the case that 1.5m people cannot afford enough food to eat regular meals.

— Sam Freedman (@Samfr) February 3, 2022

An idea - how about the energy company shareholders taking a hit for a change?

— Brian Moore (@brianmoore666) February 3, 2022

Government announces support for rising energy costs. For example if you’re a fraudster they’ll simply write it off.

— Have I Got News For You (@haveigotnews) February 3, 2022

To add insult to injury, the prime minister released a promotional video on Twitter at almost the exact same time about his “Levelling Up the UK” campaign.

It didn’t quite read the room, to say the least.

my guy putting this out the same time Ofgem increases its price cap by 54%

— Ava-Santina (@AvaSantina) February 3, 2022

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