Daily Mail's 'Crush The Saboteurs' Front Page Prompts Backlash

'Britain deserves a better future than this chilling tone offers.'

Theresa May on Wednesday distanced herself from the tone taken by some newspapers in covering her decision to call a snap election, which some have labelled “chilling” and “bitter and twisted”.

The Daily Mail sent shudders across social media with its front page featuring a close-up of the prime minster with the headline: “Crush the saboteurs”.

It described May’s decision as a “stunning move” and claimed she was calling the bluff of “Remoaners”.

The Daily Mail's front page on Wednesday
The Daily Mail's front page on Wednesday
Daily Mail

May was quizzed about the tone of the Mail’s front page on BBC’s Radio 4 programme on Wednesday and said she “absolutely” did not agree with it.

“Absolutely not, politics and democracy are about, of course, people having different opinions, different views,” she said.

Asked about the Daily Mail "Crush the saboteurs" headline on @BBCr4today, Theresa May says that's "absolutely not" how she views opponents

— Claire Phipps (@Claire_Phipps) April 19, 2017

“It’s important in Parliament that people are able to challenge what the government is doing, that there is proper debate and scrutiny now hat the government is doing - and that’s what there will be.”

The splash was also criticised by many MPs and former MPs who suggested by “saboteurs” the newspaper meant those who disagree with a hard Brexit.

The Sun’s ‘Blue Murder’ headline also featured in some social media posts, with MP Anna Turley commenting: “Am really hoping this election can be held without the levels of aggression or violence we have seen in recent referendums.”

By 'saboteurs' they mean people who disagree with a hard Brexit. The thought of this PM with a crushing majority is gruesome. #VoteSNP https://t.co/Iht8AKqc9D

— JOHN NICOLSON M.P. (@MrJohnNicolson) April 19, 2017

This is not democratic tradition dissent and debate of which we are proud -Britain deserves a better future than this chilling tone offers.. https://t.co/haSvhNCLHx

— stellacreasy (@stellacreasy) April 18, 2017

This is not who we are. The Britain I'll love is confident and kind - not bitter and twisted pic.twitter.com/UGgYK6KXV5

— Liam Byrne (@LiamByrneMP) April 19, 2017

Am really hoping this election can be held without the levels of aggression or violence we have seen in the recent referendums... #democracy pic.twitter.com/wHSoJBCnNV

— Anna Turley MP (@annaturley) April 18, 2017

'Crush the saboteurs' said nobody good ever. pic.twitter.com/gRBLmvLHmq

— Callum McCaig (@callum_mccaig) April 18, 2017

20 years ago Labour promised Things Can Only Get Better.
Today May promises to Crush The Saboteurs.
Choose Hope Not Threats.
Vote Labour pic.twitter.com/uje0RZEX88

— John Prescott (@johnprescott) April 18, 2017

Many others were also critical of the “hate and aggression” of the snap election coverage.

This kind of hate and aggression is the last thing the country needs. https://t.co/y3ZzfOfv30

— Gary Lineker (@GaryLineker) April 18, 2017

May said she wanted unity not division. This is one hell of translation. pic.twitter.com/RtIQlEfVQV

— Amol Rajan (@amolrajanBBC) April 18, 2017

Stalin killed millions by labeling people saboteurs and enemies of the people. Literally the same words as the Mail. Chilling. pic.twitter.com/QIBPrL2HtH

— David Schneider (@davidschneider) April 18, 2017

I try to avoid glib use of F word. But 'Crush the saboteurs' is the language of fascism. The Mail has form https://t.co/Oht4MnXWff

— MichaelWhite (@michaelwhite) April 19, 2017

I mean the daily mail isn't even pretending to respect the norms of democratic debate this morning.

— Jackart (@VeryBritishDude) April 19, 2017

And there were a number of references to George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984...

Crush the Saboteurs. pic.twitter.com/yi4r62SQjJ

— Richard Littler (@richard_littler) April 19, 2017

"All their ferocity was turned outwards, against enemies of the State, foreigners, traitors, saboteurs, thought-criminals" - Orwell, 1984 pic.twitter.com/S7mur9m1N9

— Steve Anglesey (@sanglesey) April 19, 2017

"Crush the saboteurs" via @Ed_Crooks #Orwell pic.twitter.com/64XxgPPn8E

— Emma Dixon (@EmmaDixon_EU) April 19, 2017

Many were also quick to point out that “crush the saboteurs” is a quote from Russian communist leader Lenin.

Boy oh boy. Britain's most influential paper, in 2017, using a phrase Lenin & Trotsky deployed in 1917 and onwards. pic.twitter.com/8iUrFHEt0o

— Mark Colvin (@Colvinius) April 18, 2017

The last time "Crush the Saboteurs" was heard, it came from Lenin at the Communist party purges in 1918 - history repeats itself....

— Man In The Shed (@Think_Blue_Sky) April 19, 2017

The sort of headline that makes you think of Lenin and Stalin and not a (supposedly) democratic country that respects people's choices. pic.twitter.com/TSFrrwxlCx

— John Allen (@moist4life) April 18, 2017

"Crush the saboteurs!" howls the Daily Mail, in a no doubt unwitting tribute to Lenin. pic.twitter.com/0qJ89AQi75

— Why to vote Green (@WhyToVoteGreen) April 18, 2017

The last time "Crush the Saboteurs" was heard, it came from Lenin at the Communist party purges in 1918 - history repeats itself....

— Man In The Shed (@Think_Blue_Sky) April 19, 2017

The daily mail's front page is one of the more sinister things I've seen this year.

— John Whiles (@FuschiaChampion) April 19, 2017

I know it's de rigeur to bash the Daily Mail..... but that headline.

— Thomas Mark Baker (@ThomasMarkBaker) April 19, 2017

In a speech on the steps of Downing Street on Tuesday morning, May said an election was needed to “secure the strong and stable leadership the country needs to see us through Brexit and beyond”.

She added: “We need a general election and we need one now.”

The move was branded “an extraordinary U-turn” by Nicola Sturgeon, who said it was “a huge political miscalculation”.

An election had not been due until 2020 - and May said herself repeatedly that was when the next vote would be.


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