The Daily Mail Performed A Photoshop Head Transplant On This Unwitting Jobseeker

What are the chances they could have exactly the same face?

Daily Mail readers could have been forgiven for seeing double this morning, and it wasn't even an April Fools' Day gag.

The tabloid got Twitter talking after an eagle-eyed journalist from the Times noticed the Mail had seemingly performed a head transplant on an unwitting jobseeker in order to neaten up a picture on page 12.

The original image (below) shows more than 3,000 people waiting in line at a recruitment fair in Cardiff, in the hope of securing a job at Aston Martin. They were queuing just miles from the closure-threatened Tata steelworks.

Wales News Service

Mysteriously, the version of the picture that appears in print in Friday's Daily Mail doesn't show the window frame but does show a man's head on the body of another man...

Daily Mail newsroom:
"It looks ugly with that frame"
"Remove it"
"But what about..."
"Just use that man's face"

— C'est Mal (@Mal_Siret) April 1, 2016

Aside from the mystery man's face now seemingly appearing twice, a closer look also appears to reveal further irregularities, such as magic tree branches and super-fast growing grass.

Daily Mail

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