Defend Europe's Mission And 7 Things It's Achieved So Far

5) Unfurled a flag.

Defend Europe has been at sea for nine days now, well into its mission to “expose NGOs” operating migrant rescue ships in the Mediterranean.

The crew of the C-Star have been busy on social media informing donors of where their £151,000 (and counting) is being spent.

Here’s a roundup of the jaunt so far (not including the setbacks suffered before they even started). They have...

1) Shouted At A Ship

🇬🇧 Our crew sending a message to the Aquarius!#DefendEurope

— Defend Europe (@DefendEuropeID) August 6, 2017

With a megaphone, from half a mile away. HuffPost UK can confirm that no one aboard the Aquarius heard the message.

2) Radioed Two Ships

This is the radio conversation between #Cstar and #Aquarius recorded yesterday in the #SAR at 19.5 nautical miles from the Libyan coast

— Paco Anselmi (@PacoHansel84) August 6, 2017

Defend Europe’s leader, Martin Sellner, radioed the crew of the Aquarius and the Golfo Azzuro, saying: “We will watch you and the days of your unwatched doings are over.”

This was witnessed by various members of the international media who have been watching the NGO missions for years.

It is not known if Sellner addressed Italian and Libyan coastguard vessels who also rescue migrants from the Med.

3) Unfurled A Banner

🇬🇧 Our message to migrants is clear: "No Way! You will not make Europe your home!"

Support our mission here:

— Defend Europe (@DefendEuropeID) August 2, 2017

4) Puked

In a “meet the crew” video, it was revealed all but one of the crew had been suffering from sea sickness.

🇬🇧 Meet the crew of the #DefendEurope mission on the #CStar, its everyday life onboard and each one's motives.

— Defend Europe (@DefendEuropeID) August 3, 2017

5) Unfurled A Flag

Proud to see our #DefendEurope flag floating on the #CStar !

— Defend Europe (@DefendEuropeID) August 1, 2017

6) Been Blocked From A Tunisian Port By Fishermen

Fishermen at a Tunisian port prevented a ship carrying far-right anti-immigration activists from docking

— AFP news agency (@AFP) August 6, 2017

Chamseddine Bourassine, the head of a local fishermen’s organisation, told AFP: “It is the least we can do given what is happening out in the Mediterranean. Muslims and Africans are dying.”

7) Claimed Credit For Something That Would Have Happened Anyway

Rapidly developing events on the ground relating to the migrant crisis have outpaced Defend Europe mission but that hasn’t stopped them trying to take some of the credit.

🇬🇧 Since the beggining of the #DefendEurope mission, the situation is evolving extremely fast in the Mediterranean!

— Defend Europe (@DefendEuropeID) August 6, 2017

The events referred to include the launching of an Italian naval mission to curb migrant flows and the seizure of an NGO boat, both completely unrelated to the C-Star’s mission.

Which brings us to an important point - whilst Defend Europe is muddled and confused about what it is actually trying to do, there is a situation that needs to be addressed.

There is a migrant crisis of which Italy is bearing the brunt, turning the issue into a heated debate ahead of elections next year and giving populist movements in the country a significant boost.

This is how 255 people were rescued yesterday in the Mediterranean @SOSMedFrance @MSF_Sea Full video coming soon on @HuffPostUK

— Paco Anselmi (@PacoHansel84) August 3, 2017

The Italian Government has become increasingly concerned with migrants and the people-smugglers and wants other EU countries to share the burden.

Last week it authorised a limited naval mission to help Libya’s coastguard curb migrant flows.

It has also been fighting with the NGOs over a new code of conduct to regulate rescue missions which culminated last week with the seizure of a vessel belonging to Jugend Rettet, one of the five of eight groups which did not sign up to the new rules.

Ambrogio Cartosio, chief prosecutor in the western Sicilian city of Trapani, has accused Jugend Rettet of aiding the people-smugglers but stopped short of saying there was a “coordinated plan between the NGOs and the Libyan traffickers” as Defend Europe claim, adding that such a thing is “fantasy”.

A rescued man with multiple gunshot wounds has been transferred to a Spanish warship so he can be medevac'd by helicopter to #Malta.

— Paco Anselmi (@PacoHansel84) August 2, 2017

A solution in the short-term seems unlikely but until the situation is resolved people will continue to make the perilous trip across the Mediterranean which has already led to the deaths of at least 2,400 people this year alone.


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