'Dementia Tax' Debate Heats Up As Tories Buy Google Ads To Counter Negative Coverage

'A U-turn BEFORE the election - is this a first?'

The Tories were empty-chaired on the Victoria Derbyshire programme this morning during a debate on what has become known as (despite the party’s best efforts) the “dementia tax”.

The @VictoriaLIVE empty chair the Tories who refuse to send someone on to explain their #dementiatax < Theresa May has no shame! #GE2017 pic.twitter.com/QpME42I9Lj

— (((Richard Angell))) (@RichardAngell) May 22, 2017

It came mid-way through a shambolic few hours for Theresa May which culminated in an unprecedented U-turn shortly before midday.

Earlier, fear that part of the newly-unveiled social care plan would adopt the name “dementia tax” was laid bare when it transpired the Conservative party had paid for Google Ads in an effort counter online searches.

A Conservative Party panicking over their Dementia Tax has been reduced to buying ads on Google. It is now officially the Dementia Tax. pic.twitter.com/uWh87114Qt

— Owen Jones (@OwenJones84) May 22, 2017

Unfortunately for May’s party, Monday saw the term become front page news.

If the FT is using ‘Dementia Tax’ on its front page then it’s basically the official name of the policy pic.twitter.com/qwXTZ5zoXq

— Jon Stone (@joncstone) May 21, 2017

The plan will see elderly people pay for care in their own home unless they have less than £100,000 in assets.

Equity from property can be released and paid after death meaning inheritances could be severely diminished.

The policy has come in for heavy criticism with think tank the Kings Fund saying it could deter older people from seeking care and place bigger burdens on unpaid carers.

Whoever coined "dementia tax" can lay claim to most effective piece of political communication of this campaign

— Ian Katz (@iankatz1000) May 22, 2017

Last week a distraught caller to Nick Ferrari’s LBC show lambasted May for what she sees as a Tory manifesto that could leave her homeless.

She claimed if her own health failed and they were made to pay for her mother’s care then when she died she could be left homeless if their house was sold to cover the cost.

They're trying to stop you reading about Dementia Tax. That's Dementia Tax. Dementia Tax? Think about that for a minute. Dementia Tax. https://t.co/Svf3U1GKvD

— Gary Lineker (@GaryLineker) May 22, 2017

Boris Johnson has called the move “responsible” and “brave” but acknowledged people’s concerns.

He told ITV’s Peston on Sunday show: “Whatever happens, people are going to be able to live in their own home. They will have that anxiety taken away and they will be able to pass on a minimum of £100,000 to their kids.

“I do understand people’s reservations and the questions people are asking about some of the detail of this, but the broad thrust is right, and as the PM has said there will be a consultation on getting it right.”

'Dementia Tax' a kind of Devon Loch moment for the Tories. Touches people's deepest fears about health, home and family.

— Paul Hayward (@_PaulHayward) May 22, 2017

But on the Victoria Derbyshire show this morning the Tories failed to send a spokesperson to debate the issue with Norman Lamb of the Lib Dems and Labour’s Catherine West.

Instead releasing a statement that said: “Our plan strengthens the social care system with more and sustainable funding to cope with these long-term pressures and ensure nobody has to sell their home to pay for their care.

“Not to act or just to play politics with the issue in irresponsible. Instead we have chosen to act in the national interest.”

Labour is now also buying 'dementia ' Google adwords to counter the Tories tax search hijack pic.twitter.com/nt4Zo2y2yb

— Finance Haill (@olihaill_biz) May 22, 2017

Before midday rumours of a U-turn began circulating, fanned by none other than the Evening Standard’s new editor.

U-turn coming on social care. There will be a cap. Read today's @EveningStandard for the details

— George Osborne (@George_Osborne) May 22, 2017

Minutes later May announced in a speech that a cap on social care costs will be included as an option in a consultation on reforms to be launched after the General Election.

NEW: May says consultation document on social care will include an "absolute limit" on how much people will have to pay. 🚨U-turn 🚨

— Jessica Elgot (@jessicaelgot) May 22, 2017

U-turn complete and the ridicule commenced.

Is this a strong u-turn or a stable u-turn?

— robert shrimsley (@robertshrimsley) May 22, 2017

A U-turn on a manifesto commitment BEFORE an election. Is that a first?

— Kevin Schofield (@PolhomeEditor) May 22, 2017

Weak and wobbly Theresa May trying to pretend it is strong and stable to U-turn on her five days old manifesto is a Tory coalition of chaos

— Kevin Maguire (@Kevin_Maguire) May 22, 2017

Revealing the changes to her policy, May accused Jeremy Corbyn of making “fake claims” about social care proposals.

But Labour MPs leapt on the climbdown and mocked May using her own “strong and stable” campaign slogan against her.

If that's 'strong & stable leadership in the national interest' then I'm a banana #GE2017 https://t.co/avl4xbH3tZ

— Angela Eagle (@angelaeagle) May 22, 2017

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