'EastEnders' Wins Widespread Praise For Groundbreaking Rape And Consent Episode

The soap sought to challenge societal attitudes towards the issue.

‘EastEnders’ has been lauded by fans for breaking new ground in the way it covered the issue of consent in a special episode on Thursday.

The latest instalment of the BBC soap saw Ruby Allen’s rape ordeal continue as the Walford residents held a debate about rape and consent in scenes set entirely in the Queen Vic pub.


It saw the show break from its usual format, including the use of slow-motion scenes and incidental music, as Ruby dealt with having to overhear people doubt her version of events.

The character, who recently returned to the soap after a 13-year break, was sexually assaulted by a friend of Martin Fowler’s last month. However, he has maintained their encounter was consensual, leaving those closest to the pair divided in who they believed.

Things came to a head in Thursday’s episode when a newspaper article detailing the incident was published. While the wider residents of Albert Square were unaware of Ruby’s identity in the story, it became a topic of conversation in the pub, where she was drinking with pal Stacey Fowler.


She was distressed to see Martin in the company of her rapist while people also unwittingly debated her ordeal around her, with many different viewpoints explored.

Characters such as Linda Carter, Kat Slater, Bex Fowler and Denise Fox remained clear that rape is rape, while the likes of Kush Kazemi took a different viewpoint, as he claimed: “If you are going to get that drunk, sometimes there are consequences you have to take.”

There were even those who had surprising takes, like Sonia Fowler and Sharon Mitchell, who questioned the woman’s version of events in the story.


This came before Ruby then confronted one of her attacker’s friends in front of the pub, when he questioned why she hadn’t stopped him during their encounter.

“It’s not on me to stop them. It’s on them not to do it in the first place,” she said.

The exploration of the perceived “grey areas” in regards to consent sought to challenge some of the different viewpoints in society, and the powerful debate was praised widely on social media.

Well done to #EastEnders for actually having the gall to bring all these issues into primetime discussion, when so many are afraid to talk about it.

It's not just a storyline, they're actually having a full on half hour debate...

— David Murphy (@D1Smurphy) November 29, 2018

Never really watch #EastEnders but this episode....pretty powerful.

— Caz Harby (@CazHarby) November 29, 2018

Tonight's #EastEnders is SO IMPORTANT

— Lisa (@Lisey_loo) November 29, 2018

That was a genuinely excellent and important episode of @bbceastenders. Show that to the kids in schools, then send Denise Fox in for a chat with them and see if they’re still confused about consent #eastenders

— Ryan Love △⃒⃘ (@RyanJL) November 29, 2018

and THAT is why EastEnders is the best soap. AMEN.

— Kira♡ (@kellieandannie) November 29, 2018

Actually very impressed with @bbceastenders tonight, @louisalytton absolutely smashed that episode. #BraveNewWorld #ItsOnThemNotToDoItInTheFirstPlace Diane Parish was impressive too! #BrilliantActing #Truth #Eastenders

— Ashling Desmond (@redactash) November 29, 2018

The writers of #EastEnders should be proud, the filming and storyline has been phenomenal and so so touching


— Rachael Tallulah (@RachaelTallulah) November 29, 2018

#EastEnders was amazing tonight, brilliant seeing a debate like that on tv. pic.twitter.com/0jtxqA7sAZ

— Danielle S Sinclair (@DanielleSSincl1) November 29, 2018

I watched #Eastenders religiously for over a decade, now watching it for the first time in years. Brilliantly, it's the same cast as last time I saw it. They're all debating consent & racism. I'd forgotten how clever & important soaps are. Feel ashamed now & v.proud of British TV

— Scarlett Russell (@ScarRoseRussell) November 29, 2018

In spite of the weird intro BRAVO #Eastenders is still killing this debate about consent and the narratives around consent. Fair fucks to Lacey Turner and Louisa Lytton (as well as the other actors) for their incredible performances.

— Amelia (@roqueandrolle) November 29, 2018

Fair play to #Eastenders for covering the issue of consent in this Ruby Rape storyline. The scene in the Vic perfectly reflects the types of conversations that are being had all the time!

— Al Flats (@alflats11) November 29, 2018

Even if you have no interest in #EastEnders, I urge you to watch last night’s episode on sexual consent. It was 30 mins of the kind of debates people have in real life, sometimes on opposite sides of the argument to their friends & family. Brilliantly done https://t.co/KulvmehFky

— Rachel Davies (@RachelDavies_) November 30, 2018

Brilliant #EastEnders episode last night highlighting views on consent, rape, discrimination, racism - sharing a platform to hear women speak. Powerful & educational for those listening. What is normalised is not always right. It's a brave new world. #ruby #rape #gender #dv

— yogalime (@yogalime) November 30, 2018

Last night I happened to watch Eastenders for the first time in yrs. I thought 'well, this has really changed' before realising it was a special ep. where the characters all debate consent. And it was brilliant! Well done @bbceastenders for shining the spotlight & great writing

— Pip Rowson (@piprowson) November 30, 2018

Did #EastEnders just have an entire 30 minute episode where they literally only discussed rape culture and what is, and isn't consent?

— Char Davey (@CharDaveyski) November 29, 2018

‘EastEnders’ bosses worked closely with charity Rape Crisis in the creation of Ruby’s storyline, who were keen to raise awareness of the complex issues surrounding sexual violence.

When the plot was announced, a spokesperson for the charity said: “It is so vital to the safety of men, women and children to understand sexual violence and not to make assumptions or believe the myths and stereotypes that are often portrayed.

″EastEnders have taken this responsibility very seriously and ensured that their portrayal of sexual violence has been thoroughly researched and is based on realism which is, sadly, so prevalent in our country today.”

It is not the first time this year ‘EastEnders’ has broken away from its usual format to tackle important social issues.

The soap was previously praised when it included the families of real knife crime victims during funeral scenes for Shakil Kazemi, who was stabbed to death in a knife attack.

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