#MarchForEurope: Eddie Izzard Has Beret Snatched At Brexit Protest Then Gives Chase In High Heels

Izzard later dusted the hat off and marched to Parliament Square.

Eddie Izzard had his pink beret snatched off his head at the March for Europe protest in London on Saturday, then chased the thief in his high heels.

Izzard was near Downing Street when a man dressed all in black with a balaclava covering his face, pulled the hat off the comedian’s head.

Eddie Izzard at the March for Europe event in London on Saturday
Eddie Izzard at the March for Europe event in London on Saturday
Rob Stothard/PA Wire

In video of the incident, Izzard can be seen chasing the man, who was later wrestled to the floor by police.

After recovering the hat, Izzard dusted it off, placed it back on his head and continued to march to Parliament Square.

The moment Izzard, right, has his beret stolen at March for Europe
The moment Izzard, right, has his beret stolen at March for Europe

Police are yet to comment on whether the man who took Izzard’s hat was arrested, or simply restrained so the hat could be recovered.

Izzard was one of thousands who took to the streets in London, Birmingham, Oxford, Cambridge and Edinburgh demanding a halt to the Brexit process, with some sharing GIFs saying “nothing is set in stone”.

They are also asking for voters to be consulted at every stage of the negotiations, ITV reported.

Just going on the March for Europe @marchforeurope pic.twitter.com/St0MkIlStZ

— Eddie Izzard (@eddieizzard) September 3, 2016

The marches are backed by figures including the new co-leader of the Green Party, Caroline Lucas, Labour’s Chuka Umunna and writer Owen Jones.

Campaigners marched from Hyde Park and through Whitehall to the Houses of Parliament, where a debate on whether a second EU referendum will be held on Monday.


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