#notinmyname Trends As People Despair Over EU Referendum Result

This Hashtag Shows Just How Upset People Are Over The EU Referendum Result

Britain has voted to leave the EU, a decision that has already sent shockwaves around the world and prompted the resignation of David Cameron.

The FTSE 100 fell more than 7% within minutes as markets opened on Friday morning, the pound plummeted to a low not seen since 1985 and experts have already questioned the Euro’s very survival.

Leave won 51.9% of the total vote to Remain’s 48.1% after the final count. Turnout in the referendum was 71.8% - with more than 30 million people voting.

For those who voted Remain, it is a bleak morning as they made clear the result was not in their name.

Absolutely devastated. Fear and ignorance has won over tolerance and unity. This result doesn't speak for me. #NotInMyName

— Georgina Hayes (@GeeHayes) June 24, 2016

I can't believe I'm waking up to a shattered future because of those who chose not to stay united with the world #NotInMyName

— em (@lunabxtch) June 24, 2016

Don't think I have ever felt more depressed about the future of this country than this morning. #NotInMyName

— meme (@sanachnaa) June 24, 2016

Demographics show a clear age split in the vote with older people tending to vote Leave and younger people backing Remain, a fact not lost on many.

Our generation's future has been largely decided by those who won't be affected in the long term. Our country is unrecognisable #NotInMyName

— katie (@Kaaaaatie_x) June 24, 2016

the future of my generation has been decided by over 65s who wont have the consequences, whereas 16+17 year olds got no say #NotInMyName

— c a d e n (@transclone) June 24, 2016

#NotInMyName people older than me massively reducing the opportunities for people younger than me. #IVotedRemain pic.twitter.com/UhK2bukX6z

— Happiness Hunter (@10habits) June 24, 2016

Despite an on-the-day poll predicting a win for Remain, Leave voters turned out in droves in order to take the UK out of the EU.

The Leave campaign swept up millions of votes across the north of England, the Midlands, the South East and Wales.

Remain votes in Scotland and London were not enough to hold back the Brexit tide.

Well done, Little Britain#NotInMyName pic.twitter.com/lVU6LF1dsd

— Joel Hughes (@Joel_Hughes) June 24, 2016

Nigel Farage - it's not my Independence Day. Down road we will lose Scotland and Ireland to this decision #notinmyname

— Mel Cork (@MelCork1) June 24, 2016

Don't blame me, I voted for Kodos. #EURefResults #NotInMyName pic.twitter.com/70B0Xowpjo

— David Wriglesworth (@Wriggy) June 24, 2016

Many people saw the result as a victory for the far-right.

Le Pen calling for French ref - congrats Britain you just destabilised the world. Who knows what right wing terror we now face? #notinmyname

— Gillian McCormack (@Gilco80) June 24, 2016

I believe in unity of people, not division and hate #notinmyname

— Rogdodge Mcbodge (@rogdodgemcbodge) June 24, 2016

Dear World

Please don't look upon the UK as a small minded nation full of racists & xenophobes.

Only 51.2% are.

Toodle pip!#notinmyname

— ThePeoplePuzzle (@ThePeoplePuzzle) June 24, 2016

Short-sighted, un-cultured, racist, suicidal drum thumping Neanderthal's have decided a unknown fate of a now isolated country! #NotInMyName

— Jason Sheffield (@Jason_Sheff) June 24, 2016

Another side of the hashtag however called for the will of the majority to be respected.

#notinmyname stop your whinging, it is done, you lost, 17million people in the uk are not racist of fascist a lot of you clearly has no clue

— DisgruntledH/Cliffe (@DisgruntledClif) June 24, 2016

What a surprise a remain trend with everyone saying people who voted leave are racist pathetic #NotInMyName

— philip newman (@philipnewman2) June 24, 2016

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