Feel Unstoppable After Climaxing? This Is Why

Coming to your senses, if you will.

So, picture the scene. You’re having a little, uh, ‘me-time’, you climax and suddenly, you’re almost a different person.

Energy is coursing through your veins. You can take on anything. Can you organise the whole house today? Probably! Time to set up a new workout regiment that pushes you to your limit, every single day? Absolutely. Best get around to that book you were going to write, too.

You’ve climaxed and this means, for some reason, that the world is your oyster.

When it comes (hehe) to it, though, you actually don’t want to organise the whole house, you don’t want to push your body to its physical limits, and what even was the book idea that you had?

If this sounds familiar, it’s because you have experienced something called ‘post-nut clarity’. Post-nut clarity is a result of the endorphins that rush through your body giving you a heady rush of pleasure and purpose.

Why does post-nut clarity happen?

So, there’s no actual science behind this but according to Michael Ingber, a urologist at Garden State Urology, “we do know that orgasm activates dozens of regions in the brain, and is so complex that we still don’t understand so much of it”.

Additionally, Ann Summers believe that it could also be due to no longer having a one-track mind, “when in pursuit of sexual gratification, a man’s mind is concentrated purely on one thing. We expect if you asked Mo Farah what he thinks about during a race he’d say his focus is on reaching the finish line ”

They add that, “the euphoric feeling of orgasm is likely to make his post-nut clarity all the more positive in nature.”

Why is it only known in men?

WELL. While this is often something associated with people assigned male at birth, it can happen to females, too. However, post-nut clarity doesn’t come with every climax, in fact, in a study on this exact experience, only 4% said that they experienced it regularly.

So if you combine this, with the fact that men ― regardless of sexual orientation ― orgasm more often than women, the chances of us experiencing this are lower, but not impossible.

Either way, it’s another argument for bridging the orgasm gap.
