Fox News Reports UK Has Left The UN After EU Referendum Vote

Well this has escalated quickly.

The EU referendum vote result escalated rather quickly on Friday morning when Fox News reported we'd also left the UN.

FOX News - a little confused!

— Sam Kiley (@kileysky) June 24, 2016

@mrjamesob in all this turmoil, Fox News still manages to raise a smile.

— Mark H (@pinguescent) June 24, 2016

The American news channel was getting a little ahead of itself but then this is the same network that claimed Birmingham was a Muslim-only city.

David Cameron has announced he will resign as prime minister following the UK’s decision to vote for Brexit.

In a result that has sent shockwaves around the world, Leave won 51.9% of the total vote to Remain’s 48.1% after the final count. Turnout in the referendum was 72.2%, or 46,500,001 people.

Despite an on-the-day poll predicting a win for Remain, Leave voters turned out in droves in order to take the UK out of the EU.

A petition to hold a second referendum has already been started with so many people signing it the website temporarily crashed.


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