Fox News Host Mark Levin Mocked For North Korean Style Fawning Over Trump

Twitter critics tear into the Fox News host for over-the-top praise of the former president.

Fox News on Sunday night served up a rerun of a Mark Levin interview with Donald Trump ― leading to fresh criticism comparing it to the type of fawning typically seen on North Korean state-run television.

Levin teased the rerun last week, urging people to tune in on Sunday for a rebroadcast of his April interview, in which the former president promoted a book of letters written to him.

Some of them were letters from autocrats and dictators Trump has often admired, such as China President Xi Jinping and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

During Sunday’s rebroadcast, viewers noticed a moment reminiscent of what might be seen on state-run media in those nations, with Levin offering over-the-top praise for Trump.

“I’ve talked to a lot of important people: Supreme Court justices, presidents, presidential candidates, brilliant people,” Levin said. “And talking with you is really the most impressive conversation I’ve had.”

Mark Levin kicked off his interview of Trump tonight with the kind of tough question that I have been waiting for all year. Now THIS is journalism.

— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) May 28, 2023

Levin said Trump had a “phenomenal presidency” and predicted it would be remembered well by historians.

Critics fired back:

Mark Levin graduated from the North Korea Tremendous and Glorious School of Excellence in Broadcasting.

— Rex Huppke (@RexHuppke) May 29, 2023

North Korean State TV is nowhere near as absurd towards their Dear Leader as Levin is here. Its beyond any parody imaginable.

— Spiro’s Ghost (@AntiToxicPeople) May 29, 2023

This is the kind of journalism one sees from the likes of the North Korean pink lady and Mark Levin.

— April is not indicted (@April_Sassy) May 29, 2023

Groundbreaking, remarkable.

The Greatest Self-Parodist of All Time teams up with a guy who is now the leading contender to win this year's Greatest Right-Wing Sycophant Self-Parody competition.

— Kurt Andersen (@KBAndersen) May 29, 2023

But what was the question!?

— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahDispatch) May 29, 2023

This is nuts. Mark Levin wants us to believe that the way Donald Trump speaks is genius, instead of bat s**t crazy. The right wing media industrial complex is absolutely bonkers. Their obsequiousness knows no bounds.

— Russell Drew (@RussOnPolitics) May 29, 2023

This would be the same Mark Levin who wrote a book about how the Democrats are authoritarian Marxists whose power is perpetuated by a complicit press.

— Seth Cotlar, mostly now at the other places (@SethCotlar) May 29, 2023

Is this a question????

— Molly Jong-fast (@MollyJongFast) May 29, 2023

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