George Zimmerman To Auction Gun Used To Kill Trayvon Martin

'Evil scumbag'.

George Zimmerman is to auction the gun he used to kill unarmed black teenager, Trayvon Martin.

I’m a free American,” he told Fox 35 in Orlando. “I can do what I like with my possessions.”

Zimmerman was acquitted of murder in 2013 a decision which lead to the protests that help spark the “Black Lives Matter“ movement.


The auction began on Thursday morning on with a starting bid of $5,000.

There are currently no bids.


In the description, he claimed the gun was used to “defend my life" and was "a piece of American history".

Zimmerman said he had received offers for the gun, but “the offers were to use the gun in a fashion I did not feel comfortable with.”

The move has provoked widespread disgust.

Anne Frank believed, in spite of everything, that people are basically good. She never met George Zimmerman.

— Harold Itzkowitz (@HaroldItz) May 12, 2016

If George Zimmerman can find a way to make himself even LESS likable, you can accomplish anything

— elan gale (@theyearofelan) May 12, 2016

George Zimmerman= One of the worst human beings ever.. If you can call that scum human

— Candece Campbell (@CandeceCampbell) May 12, 2016

STOP THE PRESSES: New front page
Zimmerman to auction gun that killed Trayvon

— New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) May 12, 2016

George Zimmerman said he's selling the gun because "it's a piece of American history" ...someone kill this man already please

— kate (@_ktrap) May 12, 2016

Sees George Zimmerman is trending.
Hopes he's dead.
Feels guilty.
Sees why he's trending.
Feels less guilty.

— Aimee Giese (@Greeblehaus) May 12, 2016

George Zimmerman will auction off the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin. Look for the sale under ebay username ImAGarbageHumanBeing.

— TODD SPENCE (@Todd_Spence) May 12, 2016

Zimmerman's description of the gun ends with “Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum,” Latin for “if you wish peace, prepare for war.”

Since his acquittal Zimmerman has caused outrage by selling prints of his painting of a Confederate flag, calling President Barack Obama an “ignorant baboon” and tweeting a photo of Martin’s body.

When you do the pledge of allegiance you say "justice for all" but you got people like George Zimmerman walking around a free man

— j (@SwayJayy) May 2, 2016

George Zimmerman is a disgusting human being.

— Petty Wap ✞ (@iSpeakAsshole_) May 12, 2016

George Zimmerman's selling the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin?!!! I pray someone steals it from him before that happens. Evil scumbag.


In 2014 he attended a gun show at which he signed autographs.

According to the Daily News only a handful of people turned up to get an autograph during the six-hour session. Speaking to the newspaper, Zimmerman said he was there to meet his “supporters”.

One woman who attended the show told the Daily News: “It was pretty weird to meet him in person — and wow, he has gained a lot of weight!”


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