Great British Bake Off Contestants Helping Each Other Through Biscuit Week Was The Brexit Distraction Everyone Needed

The 12 remaining bakers helped restore people's faith in society.

With the UK slowly disintegrating before our very eyes, it was up to the Great British Bake Off contestants to distract us from the latest developments in Westminster on Tuesday night.

And for those who flicked over to Channel 4 from the rolling coverage of the Brexit vote in parliament, there was a touching moment that helped restore their faith in society.

As the bakers took on Biscuit Week, both Priya and Jamie struggled to complete their Signature creations in time, prompting their fellow contestants to leap into action.

Priya received help from her fellow bakers in the Signature Challenge
Priya received help from her fellow bakers in the Signature Challenge

Before either of them had even asked for help, Helena, Michael, Henry and David began whizzing round Priya’s workbench to help get her biscuits ready for judging.

And after Jamie suffered (yet another) disaster when the caramel failed to set on his sour cherry shortbreads, Michelle jumped in to help make his “dog’s dinner” look more presentable.

Michelle jumped in to help Jamie with his biscuits
Michelle jumped in to help Jamie with his biscuits
Channel 4

The team spirit displayed by the competitors really touched everyone at home, who claimed it was the perfect tonic to what was going on in the world of politics...

Saw them all helping each other on #GBBO and thought ‘Why can’t Brexit be like that?’ Now sobbing for the country

— Olivia Mace (@livmace) September 3, 2019

"Britain is a hellscape of idiots"

*sees the bakers helping each other when things go wrong in #GBBO"

"Britain is a beautiful place and people are wonderful"

— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) September 3, 2019

Omg people on bake off helping each other makes me so happy. Such a small thing but even though they’re all competing against each other they’re all helping each other out and it’s so nice to see🥰@BritishBakeOff #GBBO

— L i b b y (@libbybeachill) September 3, 2019

Another wonderful episode of Bake Off draws to a close. Excellent humans helping each other make brilliant biscuits. What a perfect Tuesday evening. All is right with the world.

[switches over to BBC Parliament]


— innocent drinks (@innocent) September 3, 2019

#GBBO reminds me there are still things about Britain I can be proud of despite the mess that is British politics #DefendOurDemocracy Brits helping each other, cake, innuendos, and a reason to have another brew

— 14Farhana29 (@1Farhana29) September 3, 2019

I could tweet about politics, but I've just seen groups of bakers helping each other decorate biscuit bars on #GBBO and that's just so much better than listening to Tories lie.

— Thomas Pacey (@thpacey) September 3, 2019

All of the bakers helping each other is exactly the kind of wholesome content the UK needs right now #GBBO

— Paula Duffy (@Paula_94x) September 3, 2019

So heartwarming watching #GBBO - people helping each other in times of crisis (albeit only of a biscuit variety) despite being in competition. This is why I hate Brexit; it cynically divides and isolates us despite our natural tendencies to come together collaboratively.

— Catherine Rees (@c_m_rees) September 3, 2019

the whole gang helping each other out this is the tv I am here for🥺 #GBBO

— h🧚🏻♀️ (@goldhanhours) September 3, 2019

I love when everyone goes to help a struggling baker 😭 #gbbo

— Brogan Driscoll (@Brogan_Driscoll) September 3, 2019

Everyone helping eachother is bringing a little tear to my eyes, tbh. So nice.😊 #GBBO #BakeOff

— Deebee Daydreamer (@DeebeeInTheSky) September 3, 2019

By my calculations, one of the highest number of bakers helping another baker during the closing moments of a challenge.

My heart. Why does this hit right in the feels every time? #GBBO

— Scott Bryan (@scottygb) September 3, 2019

Everyone being so nice to each other and helping one another out on #GBBO is too much for me today 😢😍

— Ashleigh Day (@AshleighAnn11) September 3, 2019

Sadly for Jamie though, Michelle’s help was not enough to save him from being sent home.

Judges Paul Hollywood and Prue Leith slated his signature biscuits for not only looking bad, but not tasting great either.

Paul also berated him in the Technical Challenge when he added an egg glaze to his fig rolls, making them “look like sausage rolls”.

Meanwhile, Alice was awarded Star Baker this week, after impressing with her lamb-themed Showstopper, having previously placed top in the fig roll Technical.

The Great British Bake Off continues next Tuesday at 8pm on Channel 4.


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