Harry Judd Reveals The Not So Glamorous Side Of Having A Newborn

There was sick. A lot of it.

McFly drummer Harry Judd has shared the unglamorous side of being a new dad, and it wasn't a pretty sight.

The 30-year-old, whose wife Izzy Judd gave birth to their daughter Lola in January 2016, decided to document his daughter's vomit.

"Cheers Lola!" Judd wrote on the Instagram selfie.


A photo posted by Harry Judd (@juddymcfly) on

Judd's relatable parenting post received a positive reaction from his fans.

"This is actually laugh out loud funny," one person wrote.

Another wrote: "Hahaha oh Harry get used to it, you'll have more of that to come!"

And then someone went even further: "Eventually, you will get a whole section of your wardrobe that resembles this."

Judd has shared small snippets of what life has been like with a new baby over the past two months on Instagram.

One snap showed him managing to multitask - holding his daughter while drumming.

A photo posted by Harry Judd (@juddymcfly) on

Speaking about being a dad in his first interview since the birth, Judd said it is the most "natural" and best thing ever.

"You are just floating in a cloud of love," Judd told HELLO! Magazine in February 2016.

"It’s amazing. Our wedding day was the best day of my life and this was a similar feeling but times ten.

"Being a dad just feels right."
