Ex-Neighbours Star Shares Truly Bizarre Theory About Why People Turn Right-Wing

It's all to do with "crap" ideas on the left, apparently.
Holly Valance speaking to GB News at the PopCon event
Holly Valance speaking to GB News at the PopCon event
GB News

Former Neighbours star and singer Holly Valance thinks everyone becomes right-wing once they realise left-leaning ideas are “crap”.

Valance appeared alongside her husband, property tycoon Nick Candy, at the launch of the right-wing pressure group, the Popular Conservatives (or PopCon), on Tuesday.

Asked where she is politically, Valance said: “I would say that everyone starts off as a leftie and then wakes up at some point, after you start either making money, working, trying to run a business, trying to run a home, and realises what crap ideas they all are.

“And then you go to the right,” she told GB News with a smile.

Her remarks come less than a week after a new survey from Techne found the Conservatives may end up with less than 100 seats at the next general election, while the Labour party are expected to storm ahead with 484 seats.

She then said the speakers at PopCon were all “fantastic”.

Valance said Liz Truss was “really interesting to listen to”.

The backbencher who was prime minister for just 49 days in 2022 told the conference Britain is full of “secret Conservatives” who agree with her, but are reluctant to admit it.

Valance also referenced Tory backbencher Jacob Rees-Mogg, and said “Jacob for PM”.

Rees-Mogg used his PopCon platform to bash the alleged elite he dubbed the “Davos man”. He then got in a row with journalist Lewis Goodall over his own personal wealth and previous career in finance.

Valance also praised Lee Anderson, saying “the MP for Ashfield was awesome.”

She added: ”[I] love a northerner, straight to the point and very sensible – and more real people.”

Anderson, who resigned as deputy chair of the Tory party in January, described coal as “sustainable” during his speech because it was once made up of “trees and plants”.

He also claimed that climate change “never comes up” when he speaks to the public – although he soon admitted that “odd weirdo” does mentions it.

'Everyone starts as a leftie and then wakes up and realises all the ideas are crap'

Australian model and actress, Holly Valance, was at the launch of Liz Truss' new conservative movement 'PopCon'.@ChristopherHope pic.twitter.com/jWU4PpvXpq

— GB News (@GBNEWS) February 6, 2024

Predictably, people on social media did not hold back in their response to Valance’s divisive theory – and some even quoted her hit song, Kiss Kiss...

Everyone is born a leftie until they get rich and don’t want to share - you aren’t enlightened or clever Holly Valance, you’re just selfish. Kiss kiss my ass.pic.twitter.com/e7fFjAWqxW

— Dr Bella MC (@Dr_BellaR) February 6, 2024

Yah, sure, babe! It was just a natural process of "seeing sense". Marrying a billionaire property developer and Tory donor had absolutely nothing to do with your change of heart. pic.twitter.com/1HQULQGSFD

— Alex Andreou (@sturdyAlex) February 6, 2024

Holly Valance at #PopCons party

Liz Truss is great
Lee Anderson is amazing
Jacob Rees Mogg for PM

Apparently lefties are all crap and people just have to start working for a living, then they'd see the world as she does

— Carol Vorderman (@carolvorders) February 6, 2024

"So tell me Holly, what was it about marrying a billionaire Tory donor that made you turn right wing?" https://t.co/uip0AJIimN pic.twitter.com/Xqa0gG7rT5

— Barry Maz - Got A Ukulele #GTTO #rejoineu (@bazmaz_ukulele) February 6, 2024

38 year old left wing men everywhere stare blankly into their pints and wonder where it all went wrong https://t.co/ctNORAEpxj

— Hannah Fearn (@hannahfearn) February 6, 2024

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