Homeless Ex-Soldier Takes Sign On Tube In Attempt To Find Work And Is Inundated With Offers Of Support

'Let's spread the word and see if we can find him some work.'

A homeless former soldier got the best possible reaction after taking a whiteboard sign on the Tube in a bold attempt at finding work.

Bradley Henderson, who has been sleeping rough in Hampstead for four months after leaving an abusive relationship, has reportedly been inundated with offers of support since pictures of his stunt spread across social media.

The 39-year-old's sign read: “Hi my name is Brad and I have been homeless for four months. I am looking for any work. I am ex-army number 29814620.

Met this enterprising guy on the tube tonight, ex army, homeless and just wants a job so come on people, lets spread the word (1/2)

— Sharron Edmonds (@SharronEdmonds) June 7, 2016

And see if we can find him some work - has army references and is polite and well spoken #findbradajob pic.twitter.com/zuPWxoPGSb

— Sharron Edmonds (@SharronEdmonds) June 7, 2016

“I have very good skills in bar, promotions, sales, marketing. Any donations of clothing, food, money or help towards work would be amazing. I will do any job.”

Victoria line passenger, Sharron Edmonds, was so impressed with Henderson's "enterprising" spirit that she took his picture of him and posted it on Twitter in an attempt at helping him find work.

She wrote: “Met this enterprising guy on the Tube tonight, ex-army, homeless and just wants a job.

“So, come on people, let’s spread the word and see if we can find him some work. He has army references and is polite and well spoken.”

Henderson, from Leeds, told the Evening Standard that since commuters began circulating his picture he had met with a Harrods recruiter who invited him for an interview, and was gifted a new suit.

#Homeless Brad didn't want money. He asked someone to take a photo of his details and pass it on. #findBradajob pic.twitter.com/5m1pzdbWbT

— Kerry Jean Lister (@kerryjeanlister) June 8, 2016

Can we help #findBradajob? https://t.co/xJdWHgrL6A

— Nickie (@nickieohara) June 8, 2016

The former Royal Anglian Regiment soldier told the newspaper that he "just can't believe" how positively commuters reacted to his sign.

He said: “I have been trying to find work for months but the minute people find out I’m homeless they assume I’m on drink or drugs and they’re not willing to give me a chance.

Henderson said after leaving the army he worked in bar promotion and also gained experience in marketing and sales.

He added: “I am in the situation I am in and I am now trying to get myself back on track. It’s just amazing how far it’s reached. It now feels like things are on the up."


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